

Active Member
Im used to not sleeping now, but being forced the rents kinda made me wonder. Is it a good idea to smoke a doobie a couple of hours before i would have to take the Zopiclone?

I did my research but couldnt find anything, all i found was what was the best sleeping pill to use and also stories of people mixing drugs and smoking pot AFTER.

Wasnt sure, so i thought i'd post up the question here i know its no in the right section...ish.

Much love and respect in advance.


Well-Known Member
So is the Zopiclone not working? Whether or not it is a good idea for you to smoke a joint before you take it depends on your reasoning for smoking a joint before you take it.


New Member
try tylenol pm instead............ i take 2 tylenol pms a night then 45 mins later i blaze it then pass the fuck out and i sleep very well every single night