co2 generated via vinegar and baking soda?

Has anyone used this method of baking soda and vinegar in a bucket with hoses out the top to emit the co2? and if so what is the mixture to use (ratio) and how well, if at all and how long will 1 mixture supply a 8'L x 6'W x 8'H grow room with enough co2 to make a difference, I know the optimal range is 1500 ppm but I dont have a way to check the ppm so I'll be going by the plants' reaction. any help is greatly appreciated, THANKS
There are products out there that say easy CO2 using vinegar or yeast reaction. I don't buy any of it. To use CO2 correctly, you need a sealed room and higher than normal temps to make it worth the effort. I do not believe proper and controlled amounts are possible without using bottled C02 or a gas CO2 generator.
There are products out there that say easy CO2 using vinegar or yeast reaction. I don't buy any of it. To use CO2 correctly, you need a sealed room and higher than normal temps to make it worth the effort. I do not believe proper and controlled amounts are possible without using bottled C02 or a gas CO2 generator.

I'm not really concerned with it being controlled at the moment, I just want an inexpensive way to give it a shot and see if ther is a noticeable difference b/c im just breeding for Fem seeds for the upcoming outdoor season, if it works as well as people say it does then I'll worry about dialing it in and growing indoor, but right now I'm in it for the killer femmed beans.
You'll want a co2 monitor because if you give the room too much co2 you can kill your plants. So play it safe, go right and buy a used meter at the least with the experiment. There's tons of ways to add co2. Type co2 generator on ebay you'll see a dozen DIY options


You're just growing plants indoor right now for this spring so you can put them outside. Marijuana doesnt need co2 in veg mode, it only uses it after the 2nd week of flowering. Unless I read that wrong........

Good luck
You'll want a co2 monitor because if you give the room too much co2 you can kill your plants. So play it safe, go right and buy a used meter at the least with the experiment. There's tons of ways to add co2. Type co2 generator on ebay you'll see a dozen DIY options


You're just growing plants indoor right now for this spring so you can put them outside. Marijuana doesnt need co2 in veg mode, it only uses it after the 2nd week of flowering. Unless I read that wrong........

Good luck

THANKS, I think I can do without it after reading up on it, my grow room doesnt get over 78 degrees at any given time so its probably not gonna make a big difference with or without it, im just using it for the winter anyways
"co2 generated via vinegar and baking soda?" it's crap, stinks thr room no benefit forr plants, lost effort. concentrate your effort elsewhere
I've also heard that you can buy carbonated water and spray it on them with a spray bottle. yet to try it tho.
I seriously doubt a mixture like that would generate enough co2 to have any effect at all. They need lots, and continuous exposure
I've also heard that you can buy carbonated water and spray it on them with a spray bottle. yet to try it tho.

Eeeeeh, no.

Carbonated water, also known as seltzer, sparkling water, fizzy water, or soda water, is plain water into which carbon dioxide gas has been dissolved, and is the major and defining component of carbonated soft drinks (itself a class of aerated beverages). The process of dissolving carbon dioxide gas is called carbonation. While dissolved carbon dioxide in low concentrations (0.2 - 1.0%) cannot be tasted by humans, a small amount[1] reacts with water to form carbonic acid (H2CO3). The higher concentration of carbonic acid in carbonated water gives the water a slightly sour taste, with a pH between 3 and 4.

So basically you'd be adding barely enough ppm of co2 in order to acidicly spray the leaves of your plants with ph3/4 water.

No thanks. :)
Try blackstrap molasses in flower if you want a bigger yeild m8, as eveyone here is saying their aint much point in C02 if heat is low not to mention the plants need more ferts if c02 is used