co2 genergator or AC unit


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about getting a co2 generator but my day temps are way too high...should I just invest in a portable AC before anythin gelse?


Well-Known Member
AC for sure!
CO2 is the last item to add.

CO2 is used as a band-aide fix for high temps. Higher temps make better use of the CO2, but temps over 90F hurt the THC. The higher temps open the stomatas (pores) in the leave so they 'breathe' better.

Getting temps down and controlling humidity is/was my biggest improvement and the plants showed it. (higher temps can lead to lighter/fluffier buds too)

Not sure of your setup, but mine was a closet, sealed air cooled hood, and temps stayed pretty good. Going for the gold (temps) next time I grow. THen I'll toss the CO2 on.

Oh, if you are thinking of a CO2 generator, they will add more heat and raise the humidity levels. (also keep it closed loop control)


Well-Known Member
They can sometimes get a little over 90, but I have a lot of circulation and the exhaust is constantly on


Well-Known Member
Hmm thats tricky but I would go with the AC first because i notice youre in socal and its only gonna get hotter in the months to come. 90 is bad but it wont hurt ALL strains equally, like sativa dominant strains. my tent gets to the 90s once in a while and i just put more c02 in and everything is good to go. no fluffy airy buds, just tight huge nugs :). you also have to consider that your exhaust is constantly on as you say so if you do get the co2 youll probably just end up wasting alot of it...