co2 HELP NEEDED!!!!! Regulator Help!!!!!


I have a 25gallon c02 tank (I think) with the hydrofarm regulator!!!!

my tent is 4x4x7........I want to blast my babies with co2 15mins on/off......I have a exhaust fan that blows on my lamp!

so based on this Hydrofarm calculator, I need to obtain a Optimum Flow Rate of: 0.02 cubic feet / hr

I am totally lost with how to set this up. I have read the instructions like 10 times, but still can't comprehend. I was edumacated in the south!!! lol

Please someone!!!!! Walk me thru this!!!!

I don't want to kill myself while I'm asleep!!!




2nd failed attempt to get help on this site. Thanks.

I am assuming my flow meter needs to be set as low as possible..........My PSI is at 30 and my flow meter reads 2

Will this get the level of co2 I need 15 mins on/off?

If anyone can verify this, it would be highly appreciated!!! Thanks


Active Member
Have you tried searching for other threads or posts on CO2 regulators and optimum settings? Sometimes it helps to help your self.

No offense intended, honestly. I just don't see the point of flaunting the lack of support you get when you arent paying for anything.


Well-Known Member
i dont know if this is the link you used, but its very simple, heres the deal about flow rate, you see that glass vial on your regulator it should have a ball inside, tunr on your tank and turn the black nob till you see the ball rise, you see those numbers like .5 1.0 and so on, well a room as small as yours should be set to halfway between the very bottom and 0.5, only run the regulator for 15 mins after an exhaust cycle, if your not removing hot old air then all you need is one cycle a day, the idea is to maintain 1500ppm, so for every time you remove are or air escapes when you open the door you will need to replenish, dont worry you wont die unless you leave the tank on all day and you inhale all of that co2, just for safty only after and exhaust cycle ok?


Well-Known Member
my bad , your regulator says 2, is that .2 or 2.0?? 2.0 is a ton, if it is 0.2 then thats what you want, 15 mins a day or 15mins after a room air exchange


that is 2

not .2

That's what has been confusing the hell out of me. haha

I thought I was suppose to run the tank every other 15 minutes while my light is on???

I was planning on running the exhaust fan the other 15.
If you run the exhaust right after the co2,you're wasting the gas out the exhaust. You need to leave the room closed for let's say at least 30 minutes so that the plants can use the co2. I was talking to a tech at Hydrofarm,he says that on and off every 15 is too much,even though that's what their papers say that come with their regulator. So try running on for 30,off for 45. It's workin good for me so far.
:lol::leaf:The tech also said to run the flowmeter at 1,even though the formula for my room was coming out at more like 2-that's 2.0,not .2.:leaf::leaf::bigjoint: