CO2 starvation?


Well-Known Member
More info...

Nutes, temps, frequency of watering, hydro/soil, etc...

Dark leaves usually indicate too much N


Active Member
My pH is roughly 6.6-6.8
Temps are around 70-80f
Watering every time it is about 2-3" dry.
Miracle Grow Organic Soil
Nitrogen (1 cup to 1 gallon)
Magnesium (1tbs to 1 gallon) Epson Salt


Well-Known Member
waaay too much N buddy... not a soil grower but 1cup per gallon seems waaaaay to high...



New Member
Yeah that is too much N. I'm guessing you don't just have a jug that is labeled Nitrogen, what kind of ferts are they? It should have three numbers on the container like 30-30-30 or, I hope for your sake 2-1-1.

I should have written this first because you will soon kill them if you don't flush out the N. flush at least three times the amount of water through the pots as their volume. say it's a gallon pot, make sure you get three gallons to go through. Don't fertilize them for a while, let them stabilize. they will probably be all right, but I think it is in your best interest to act soon.

you need to figure out your nutes....they look like they were doing very well probably not too long ago....was this your first time to fertilize them? A good rule of thumb is to start at 1/4 the recommended dose of ferts, and work up from there.

good luck


Active Member
No I've fertilized before.
I had flushed them just recently, because I had a pH problem, and flushed with the correct pH, and I fertilized a day or two later.

This is probably the 2-3rd time now. I think I just over did it because I was thought I had a N deficiency. I'll flush tonight, and just wait it out till next time when i transplant for the last time before flowering.


New Member
yeah, just chill on the N for a while. Plants can store a little excess N in their tissues, so it won't need N for a bit. It really does shock the plants system to have to cope with this stuff, it is a bit injured.

I'd wait a few days and then put about a cup of worm castings around the base and water. Don't water the stem though, It's probably seen more water than it wants if you already flushed it before. That is assuming it is draining well enough, if its soggy, just dump the cup on the soil and work it in.

now you probably need to let it heal, so relax and smoke a bowl.

You need to try not to kill it with kindness.

good luck


New Member
Yes, and if you could tell me about the N-P-K ratio in your ferts, or how you are mixing it, it might be of help to you and me. either way, you have no sign of any difficencies. You have several of too much... chill

alright, the others are looking better today, but this one as drooped over night and got darker leafs. is this the same problem?


Active Member
Well i transplanted all of them into bigger pots today because im going to start flowering this week. So they got all fresh soil and will be watered by the end of the week. if not sooner.

I put some food in the pots for the next time they get water. the numbers of the food is like, 10-15-12. but its slow releasing N.


New Member
if they are already toxic and you are useing slow releasing ferts, what do you think will happen when it does release the N!?



Well i transplanted all of them into bigger pots today because im going to start flowering this week. So they got all fresh soil and will be watered by the end of the week. if not sooner.

I put some food in the pots for the next time they get water. the numbers of the food is like, 10-15-12. but its slow releasing N.


New Member
You need to stop giving them more nutes. They have all their nutes and then some.

Your water may be too hard. If you do have really hard water, pH-ing alone might not work... especially if you are using chemical ferts, which are salts in their nature. And in there actions. Salts in large concentrations actually draw tthe water out of the plants....that is why your plants are wilting. some of these work fine in some situations, If you have hard water I suggest using water that has been purified by reverse osmosis WITHOUT the added mineals for flavor that some have. Not distilled either (which can work, i know), just plain old reverse osmosis water that you can get out front of your neighborhood grocery.

OK BLAH! FUCKING BLAH BLAH! :mrgreen:bongsmilie:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:


New Member
If you want these to recover, that is..... it's N-K-P is like can actually grow plants in it it is so mild. It also has all the micro nutes in soluble (and non-toxic) form. The Gardenville chain sells them cheaply, <$3 locally for 5lbs..

Your plants will thank you


Active Member
i haven't fed the plant yet im going to wait till maybe the watering if not a week from now. im just saying i have some food. for them that ill be using when they get better.