Co2 tank?


Well-Known Member
dimensions? plant numbers?

small rooms / tents prolly better off with some exhale bags.

co2 tanks are expensive to start up. IMO you really need a controller for it to honestly be worth it.


dimensions? plant numbers?

small rooms / tents prolly better off with some exhale bags.

co2 tanks are expensive to start up. IMO you really need a controller for it to honestly be worth it.
1.6mt x 1mt, 4 plants. I have hot a regulator an solenoid from work so was thinking of putting the solenoid on a timer. Is there another way of getting co2 in there? Thanks


New Member
The two main sources of supplemental C02 are: compressed CO[SUB]2[/SUB] in tanks and CO[SUB]2[/SUB] generated by burning propane and natural gas. Tanks of compressed C02 are the easiest and most straightforward for small hobby gardeners to use, while CO[SUB]2[/SUB] generators can add a lot of heat and humidity to the grow area, and are best left for larger operations. Heat can build up quickly in a small area, and without high ceilings, powerful and efficient exhaust fan capability, or multi-fan air circulation, heat from generators can actually slow crop growth.
High temperatures inhibit CO[SUB]2[/SUB] uptake by the plants, since heat stress can cause breathing pores on the leaves to close, blocking out carbon dioxide and interfering with photosynthesis. Because excess heat can be so harmful, generators usually cannot be used for more than a few minutes at a time, limiting the total CO[SUB]2[/SUB] supplied to the crops.
High humidity levels raise even higher at 'lights out', when temperatures in the garden fall. Excessive humidity levels in the garden during the dark period create real dangers of disease problems for the garden.
There are questions as to how effective the 'trickle-down' method of applying CO[SUB]2[/SUB] really is. The breathing pores on the leaves are located on the underside; CO[SUB]2[/SUB] hitting the top surface of the leaves cannot enter the plant through the thick protective wax coating on the leaves' upper skin. If CO[SUB]2[/SUB] (which is twice as heavy as air) pools around the roots of the crop, it can interfere with root gas exchange (oxygen into roots; CO[SUB]2[/SUB] and waste gases out) and affect the growth and health of the plants. If you can't use a remote location for your CO[SUB]2[/SUB] generators, and you have to keep your generator in the grow room, here are some tips for effective use:
Add fans to help cool garden quickly after generator shuts off, and to drive CO[SUB]2[/SUB] through the crops. An extra oscillating fan (or two) and a larger exhaust fan with bigger duct diameter will help!

  • Add control systems to co-ordinate fans and generator. Very precise control systems can turn fans off and on when generator starts and stops; they can supply brief pulses of CO[SUB]2[/SUB] frequently during the light cycle.
  • Shut off generator two hours before lamps go off, and run oscillating and exhaust fans right through dark period to eliminate left over carbon dioxide.


Well-Known Member
I think for most hobby growers a a well tuned ventallation system is better than a Co2 system. The true benefits of Co2 come from a consistent environment with elevated levels of Co2. Not the occasional dump here and there.

Co2 isn't the cure for high temps even though you can run a hotter room. It isn't quite that simple. Many other elements need to be present to realize the promises of Co2 enrichment.

I use a water cooled Co2 gen to reduce the heat put out by my burner. Works well.


New Member
if you can go an entire flower without any plant issues and continuos healthy leaves and plant growth then go for. anything less and your plants can't take advantage of the added Co2 anyway.


if you can go an entire flower without any plant issues and continuos healthy leaves and plant growth then go for. anything less and your plants can't take advantage of the added Co2 anyway.
Well this is my first attempt at a scrog grow so think I might be jumping the gun abit with Co2. I just want to get it right from the start. Thanks all for your input.