CO2 tubing advice


Active Member
I have a 5 gal co2 canister I have had for using with kegs, and a regulator. My question would be if they make tubing with holes in it and a cap at the end that u can intrertwine with the plants for using with growing? Does anyone know of a timer also that u could put on the regulator to set so the flow coincides with the light cycle?
thanks stoners.

Moon Shadow

Well-Known Member
To auto time a gas or air system you will need an air valve of some kind. I'm sure you can find a motorized one however I am only know of the air pressure kind which means you will need some kind of air pressure pump. You can buy pancake air compresser for around $40 - $50. So far I have every thing but the co2 tank


Well-Known Member
Dude, I believe you are going to have to grab some tubing and a drill and make a hose with holes in it, having the holes aimed at your babies. If your room is small enough, you could, as I do, just expell the co2, and use a small fan to circulate the co2 and keep it off the floor.

Moving on, heat is your enemy, is your light air cooled? You need to input the co2, than have your fans kick on at a certain temp, bring your temps back down, than have the co2 inject again. Some thing like this:
Fill – 2 Hours Passes – Ventilate and Fill – 2 Hours Passes –Ventilate and Fill – 2 Hours Passes – Ventilate and Fill – 2 Hours Passes – Ventilate and Fill – 2 Hours Passes - Ventilate for the remainder of the photoperiod.
I hope this helps you.

I have a 5 gal co2 canister I have had for using with kegs, and a regulator. My question would be if they make tubing with holes in it and a cap at the end that u can intrertwine with the plants for using with growing? Does anyone know of a timer also that u could put on the regulator to set so the flow coincides with the light cycle?
thanks stoners.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
No moonshadow, that isn't what she wants...

Yes, they do make drilled out tubing. It's 1/4" and drilled with a laser.
Hydrofarm sells do others. Hydro stores will have it or you can order it online, I'm sure. 20 ft and 100 ft roll. bout $12 & 20 respectively on price.

You can use a regular timer for on/off..alternating it with your fan/ventilation system and timing it so the fan comes on (and CO2 goes off) before the temps get too high. There are also a bevy of controllers out therte that will do this automatically in a variety of ways..through timers..or through actuall ppm readings of Co2 in the room.

IMO, it all depends on how many plants you're doing if CO2 is truly woirth the expense. There's about a 1/4 increase in yield if done CORRECTLY and levels are kept at OPTIMUM in a 24/7 mode. (can't be done with yeast or manuallly in any way)

2 plants..10 plants...prolly not worth it (unless it's a TREE GROW)

10-20 and may be worth it..but really need to spend the $$$ on a proper controller to see the true benefit....and if you have a large area..need to invest in a propane or nat gas CO2 generator for the space.

Go to Green Air..CAP...etc and look at their wares. It's all geared to growin.. and you will see what they are doing...etc.

good luck

bt dt


Active Member
interesting, and heat is a prob because.....??

I only have an oscilating fan on the floor, and doing 6 plants.

toke on

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Heat is an issue because if it gets above about 90 in an enclosed space the plant will basically stop growing and will spend it's time/water/energy merely trying to survive.

good luck

bt dt