CO2 Usage? CO2/Heat Damaging My Crop?

Please get a buzz on so reading the following won't seem so tedious.

BACKGROUND: My friend and I just set up an 8x10x8 room after years of running two 2-tub hydro units under 250 in a 6x7x7 room; this room is has been turned into the nursery This is not a naturally cool basement, but a south-facing room off the detached garage. New room has 2 doors, four 600 lights, the hydro tubs, plus potted plants. It is sectioned so that there are essentially four different growth/flowering stages so we can have a more perpetual harvest. In the old set up, we did very nicely and did not use CO2. We have an inline fan but not installed it yet as we can safely open the doors and with an extra small fan at one door, great air flow. Using Advanced nutrients.

After excitedly reading about the wonders of co2 blah, blah, blah, we invested in a Sentinel co2 burner. I'm not pointing any fingers here, but it sat around for a couple of weeks before it got put up and we found it didn't work right, and by that time, we couldn't get a refund. It does not automatically light, and we can't shut one of the two burners off, so we have to manually light it. We are lighting it (both burners running) for approximately an hour about four times a day. As for ppms, haven't a clue as the ppm monitor/timer did get sent back because the damn unit won't automatically light itself.

THE ROOM GETS SO DAMN HOT. Temperatures have soared over 100, and this will only get worse as the summer progresses. Temperature can be lowered reasonably quickly with venting.

THE ISSUES: Plants that were giving us beautiful buds suddenly went into regrowth shortly after starting co2. There is no aroma -- nice smoke, but none of that pleasant scent. Current flowering -- virtually no tricomes. In the hydro units, roots that were nice and thick and full coming out of the cloning unit have stalled.

I have read on this forum the dangers of heat, but my friend claims he's read that plants can take higher temps because of co2. Are these periods of heat, or possibly be the disparity of temperatures an issue? Is two burners running for an hour in that size space overload?

An air conditioner is a possibility, but I am not eager for the additional electrical cost and possible light leakage.

Your experience, advice, recommendations, whatever, would be greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Here's a few thoughts on this.

First, using a burner that doesn't work properly sounds dangerous to me. I'd worry about there being more than the obvious wrong with it, something that might cause a fire.

Second, it doesn't matter how much CO2 you add to a room, if you're hitting triple digit temperatures you're doing harm to the plants.

Third, it's important to know what the ppms are. Carbon dioxide is toxic in sufficient quantities and it is vital to know whether you're anywhere near those levels.

Obviously the best thing to do would be to find a way to generate the CO2 without that much heat, or to more effectively eliminate the heat once produced. But the problem with the second solution is that anything that gets rid of the heat will probably get rid of CO2 as well.

I'd advise a tank system, personally.