Cobba's Newbie CFL Grow


Hey all,

I'm currently in the process of setting up my second grow, after having mixed results the first time out (which wasn't documented).

My grow area is a custom built box about 2'x2'x4' with a 130w CFL, with the most recent additions being a new ventilation system a 175CFM intake duct fan and a 300CFM inline fan for exhaust.

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We were originally going for a stealth grow and so on our first attempt had used computer fans for intake and extraction purposes, however we found it to be insufficient - especially in the heat of the Australian summer!

Our first attempted grow resulted in a disappointing yield, we had six medium sized plants that harvested just over an ounce of dried bud and a pound of weed butter - although it has to be said it was some high quality stuff, and a joy to smoke. :weed:

This time we're using up some leftover seeds, which are currently germinating: L.S.D, Mazar x Great White Shark and Cheese.

We've decided to utilise the space better and only grow three plants this time, and in one eight gallon pot, whereas last time each plant was individually potted.

Hopefully this allows better root growth and stronger stems with more node development.:hump:

We'll be growing in coco, although we haven't decided on nutrients (last time we used Fox Farms, although they're only available online which is expensive) we're pretty keen to try the Canna Bio range.

Anyway, we're still very new to this and really enjoy learning as we go - so any advice or guidance would be much appreciated.

The first grow was so much fun - despite the lackluster yield - we're really excited about growing again! :lol:

We'll hopefully be updating the journal every few days, all things going to plan.

Look forward to hearing people's feedback,

Peace out. :joint:



Took a trip to the grow shop today to buy some supplies so we could get some seeds into coco.

We were originally going to go with the Canna Bio range of nutrients, however the guy at the grow shop suggested we go with Canna Coco A+B, which was cheaper and seems easier - so wasn't a difficult decision to make! :weed:

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For our first grow we used some locally made coco peat which was the cheapest option, we've really splashed out this time and went with the Canna Coco; which we're expecting to pay off in the long run.

Anyway, all three seeds are in Coco - although the L.S.D. didn't sprout so we're not holding out much hope for it to come good.

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Hopefully in a few days we'll have an update on some pretty seedlings! :hump:


Well after a few nervous days we've seen two of the three seeds we planted come to life - as expected the L.S.D. hasn't done anything, but we're not giving up on it just yet.

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The Cheese has already developed a new set of leaves, meanwhile the Great White Shark seems to be going a bit slower and doesn't look too healthy today.

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We were going to wait a couple of weeks before starting the nutes, we're not quite sure if this is the right thing to do?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Peace out.


Really disappointing to report but we've already hit a bump in the road in this grow!

The seeds sprouted on the 25th of June and have since struggled through their short life.

At the moment they seem to have stopped growing completely, however they look healthy and are still taking in water (that we've been giving them every two days).

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It seems we have a scarab fly issue - something we've encountered before, we're worried that if we use a pesticide we'll just end up killing the seedlings.
[h=1]The other thing that might be causing the growth issue is the temperature in the box, with the lights on it's sitting at about 16C (61F).[/h]We're in desperate need of help here, so if anyone has any advice it we'd be greatly appreciative.

Peae out.