Why do you lie all over this place? You have two lies right here...
1) I'm on ignore...couldn't see my post if I was...so thats a lie.
2) and that there are two CXB test here...
The only sphere test here or presented...matches up perfectly to the data sheets...todays and in 2015. Hasn't changed.
Again...you listen to keyboard junkies...instead of the datasheet and manufacture resources. Shame on you...nobody else but yourself.
1: You were mentioned in a reply to my comment. And then I saw the troll warning button "show ignored content". I pressed and guess what?
Here he is! HDR, self appointed thorn in my side season 2021. How are you doing Ron? Hope all's well. I see you're all geared up for more fun. Why would I lie about not wanting to see your shit on a daily basis? But since you're all up in my shit here we go. And I gotta hand it to you, clever trick: no matter what I say or show re you on ignore you can always say I changed it after your claim. But most people here knows how ignore works, this screams of desperate butthurtfullness. You really think your "catching me in a lie" and divulging to the forum? Please...
2: I have
never claimed this to be 2 cxb tests!?! Do you even read the thread? Or do you assume that everyone is talking about your shit as soon as you open your mouth?
Let's parafrase this thread: cika: buying a new light, these are my considerations. Need advice. Advice ensues: bxeb, Ali boards. Cika: needs to be from Europe.
I: led-tech.de , boards are on the front page.
Cika: no DIY, going with cobs.
Me: shitty option, price, performance in comparison to led tech.
Cika: chilled sphere test.
I: why chilled test shows it's a shitty option. Under performs the spec quoted at sellers webpage. And data sheet (yeah, but let's get back to that later

I give run down on costs of boards, half price of cxb for about the same wattage for better efficiency.
You: RS is a lier. I've shown this before.
Me: "There are 2 tests. One is 2.3 another is 2.69. What's there to get here? Just go and check and compare. You're already on my ignore for well whatever is your issue." This is a copy paste. Where do I say there's 2 cxb tests? I'm clearly speaking about why I rec the boards over the cxb. Where is the lie? Do you read the thread? Like for context? It's either really sloppy, bad reading comprehension or intentionally trying to twist this into some kinda win for HDR as usual. Why are you up in my ass all the time? What's the deal?
It seems you wanna go back to the argument you "won" some time ago. I left that shit cause:
1: it was clear you were not having a good faith discussion and generally trolly
2: you made claims regarding the Cree pct which doesn't work on the phone I use for the forum. So I had no way of checking that, and little desire to check datasheets or dig out those old calculations from 5 year old threads. I just left it at that.
But guess what: I have the pct right here

And you know what else: I also realize that my stupid ass, I never called you on showing some numbers for your claim. And since you are what is know by some as a "quote whore" why don't we get to see your numbers then? Let's see some screen shots from the pct showing 156lum/w at 1400mA.
And, let's see you make an argument for whatever assumptions you made regarding the pct input data (yes, in order to make any claims re pct numbers you'll need to make assumptions of input since those tests do not spell out everything you need).
this is the Cree pct if you need a link:
Cree LED delivers best-in-class technology and one of the industry’s broadest portfolios of application-optimized LED chips and components.
Remember its 3500k 80cri cxb.
@CikaBika Sorry about your thread turning into a shit show. Ron seems to have it in for me, I can't remember exactly why but iirc I think once he quoted an article about something uv related or maybe high intensity response, and I pointed out that the article actually said the opposite what he thought. I'm not exactly sure , but since then he seems to have something up his ass re me.
I really don't care what you do with your money, that's your absolute choice and you should do whatever you feel like. But I've seen you posting some years back and I don't want you to spend more money on something with less demonstrable value.
Edit: changed lum/w: had 155, it's actually 156. Right should be right. Let's go Ron, let see some action quoting here!