Coco & Canna advise

I recently decided to make to switch from soil to coco. Im still somewhat new to growing so I bought a bag of canna coco, coco a&b,rhizotonic, cannazym, and canna boost accelerator. (Definatily a hard pill to swollow $ wise but gotta spent $ to make $.) I was planning on getting a little perlite to mix in with the coco (maybe 10%). As ive been reading I keep seeing people talking about EC meters. Let me get this straight, an EC meter is pretty much a ppm meter? ppm just a guestimate and EC is a more definate reading? any other coco tips would be greatly appreciated
Sup grind I just switched to coco to and am using canna a+b, rhiz, and pk13/14. From what I've read you should have about 25% perlite to 75% coco, and I was told by more experienced growers that the cannazym and the boost were not necessary and they didn't see a significant enough increase in yield to justify the extra $$$(just for next time). Once I'm finished with my commercial nutes I'm gonna brew my own tea and just go organic since I only grow small amounts for medical use.