Coco driving me Loco


Well-Known Member
Week 7 of flower and yellow spots appearing all over fans leaves then crisping. some of the buds also seem to be stunted as they are not filling out and white hairs not doing much

perlite coco mix 30/70 with clay pebbles at bottom
watering daily i keep the ph close to 6
feeding coco base nutes and just started giving them overdrive
dont have an ec meter but i reduced the base feed in half about a week ago incase it was nute burn
flushed them once to and removed run off
not bugs since there is none on leaves.
never had this problem before in soil..

i never had this problem in soil and i can't identify!



Well-Known Member
If you are that far in flower....I would not worry about what the leaves look like at all. You are almost near the end anyways.