coffee houses


Well-Known Member
not from yall great state, but one day i may come.
acouple of years back, i was making plans to spend a few days in Co Springs, to hang out in the coffee houses (a internet bro said he could get me in) but i dragged my feet and they closed down the shops.
i wanted to be able to order off the menu and burn there, like you see in the Dam.
why the law did away with this type mmj? was this a bad thing?



Well-Known Member
You just can't smoke inside anymore and you have never been able to get in without a license. Sorry. The laws suck but they change all the time.

Anyone from Texas or Colorado reading this Pm me or something. also, check out my blog:


Well-Known Member
thanks. and i am not mad, just freaking heart
its been a dream of mine to be able to order off a pot menu and hang out and toke with people. me, i got to be ultra-undercover and i mostly burn alone. if you like guns, this is the place to be...not at all for pot thou. i would swap states if i could.