Howdy all...

I have so many wonderful and abundant White Widow (female) colas that the branches soon will be unable to support the weight! And there are so many colas that a simple stakes won't be enough.

I was thinking of making a upper frame with strings ~ much like a marionette, but my T5 lights are in the way? Also, there are large colas at almost every level, so what to do?

I do NOT want to harvest early so that is not really a option for me... well it is, but only as a very last resort. From what I see I have at least three more weeks to go, but I KNOW my branches won't support much more weight and I know there will be more weight soon.

So please people, any reasonable options will be greatly appreciated! I know it's going to be a awesome harvest... Thank you Jesus!

I should also mention that I am using two shop light fixtures on both SIDES of my plants to satisfy the lower leafs and colas. A total of 4 side lamps ~ two *'growlux' and two 'daylight' 4 footers. I used common foil in front of the reflectors, behind the lamps. This arrangement works quite well for me and it's a very low cost approach to OK lighting needs.

I remain,
(and Thankful)


Active Member
Its hard to say without seeing the pics, but what do you expect will happen? Do you think your branches are literally going to snap? I've not seen that myself.
Its hard to say without seeing the pics, but what do you expect will happen? Do you think your branches are literally going to snap? I've not seen that myself.
Yes, because the supporting branches are already straining from the weight now. My buds still have quite a lot of green to them (about 75%) and because I fimmed, there is a abundance of colas... much more than the White Widow expected ~ I do believe.

I don't think the branches will snap, but actually bend over from the excessive weight because they appear to be beginning to do that now? Otherwise, my plants appear to be perfectly healthy.

I'm sorry I can't offer you photos... and no film at 11:00...

I remain,


Well-Known Member
Are you growing inside where there is a ceiling? You can tie up the colas with string from the ceiling. It will be a little time consuming but thats the best way if stakes wont cut it.


Active Member
I would suggest that you very gently wrap your plants in a cage of chicken wire if you're really concerned. However, in my experience plants won't break, and it won't really hurt them to sag under their own weight. I do recall reading that, like LST, plants sagging will actually improve potency as plants will send lots of nutes and resin to those stems in an attempt to lift the flowers.
I would suggest that you very gently wrap your plants in a cage of chicken wire if you're really concerned. However, in my experience plants won't break, and it won't really hurt them to sag under their own weight. I do recall reading that, like LST, plants sagging will actually improve potency as plants will send lots of nutes and resin to those stems in an attempt to lift the flowers.
Thank you so much for your reply and good thoughts. OK, I will hang tight and allow Mother Nature to do her work. It's wonderful how plants know just what to do when they are given all they need to do their job. At the first sign of a branch bending over I will go for your chicken wire approach ~ something I never considered!... but that's why we have great Forums like this one.

The large T5 panels directly over my plants won't allow for strings from above, as someone else recommended... and besides, there are too many branches with decent sized colas from above and even from within.

One more interesting thing I want to mention... my ladybugs REALLY LIKE my T5 arrays! I mean, they just sort-of 'hang out' on the ends of the lamps. I thought the heat would drive them away, but they seem to love it. Not all of them, just some of them. A few on the ceiling and a few on the plants on patrol too.

Thank you again!

I remain,


Well-Known Member
i dont think there will be a problem, however i would like to point out that the reason for the weaker stems is the floresent lights. its one of there downfalls unfortunatly. iv got a few autos under my 8 bulb t5 im bout to harvest an i know if my white widows were flowerd under that an not my hps id be having the same issue you are.

id say just let the plants grow an if the colas pull the branches down it could be a great thing becuase more light will reach the inside of your plant.