Cold weather help!!!


Active Member
ok guys i got awhile left on my plant.. i say 3 weeks and the weather here is SHIT!:cuss:

i dont have any indoor eqip, they just issued a freeze warning here so i brought it inside, the temp right now is 44 but it feels hella lot colder.... i brought her inside and set her near the window.

basicly my question(s) are whats the low temps mj can grow in and is it gonna be ok to bring her in on the cold days and put her out on the good ones? im stuck and payday is still 2 weeks or so away so i got no options besides what i can come up with at home. thanks +R for the help.

i got afew of them cfl's not sure the wattage or the light spectrum but i dont really wanna screw her up since shes been a outdoor sun plant. any advice helps thanks.


Well-Known Member
I feel your pain man. The weather went to crap about 2 and a half weeks ago here (Montana). Had to bring my plant inside and it's a sativa so it's taking forever to finish (week 10 already). I just set it in the window and my room is set perfectly to where I can find a place to set the plant in light all throughout the day. The temp hasnt been above 40 since it started getting crappy. Today it might get in the low 60s!!! (*crosses fingers*). It's a slow process man, but what can you do.