Colorado is the best state to grow legally?


Everywhere on Rollitup i read about problems with plants regarding insects, and mold, as well as other problems that are due to climate. While growing out doors.

Colorado seems the best state to insects and mold all together, just by living there.

The only real thing you have to worry about is frost near the end of the year.

What are you're thoughts?
Ya Colorado is definitely a safe place to grow and the climate and weather permitting is an excellent place to grow I live in Oregon we will say around the NW corner and growing here is magnificent everything about it it seems plants adapt to the environment it is introduced then all you have to worry about is mold I don't think climate and stuff like that would come into play cause someone could not allow proper airflow anywhere they are and cause mold anyway like your question glad I could ad input to your conversation:)


Well i am always reading about bud works, powder mold, and stuff like that. It's never in colorado, always some other state.

On a side note, inside growers do have problems with spider mites.

I had a small mite problem, but they simply died over night. It was strange. Cold? Dont know.

danky supreme

Well-Known Member
I used to live in Wisconsin and now live in Colorado and my plants definitely preferred Wisconsin. Just take a look outside to see if your climate is suitable for growing. Wisconsin was as lush as it gets and Colorado is a semi-arid climate, it only makes sense which one is more suitable for growing. However as far as legality goes, Colorado all the way. BTW I am having a fungus gnat issue at the moment that is the worst bug infestation I have had in five years of growing and this is my first run in Colorado. Don't get me wrong if you know how to grow dank it can absolutely be grown here, but in my personal experience there are more suitable climates than this one.