Colorado med question while on probation


Active Member
I am wondering.... i am going to get my card next friday, appointments set and i am fully qualified. i am currently on probation and my probation officer says that it is up to her, my counsler, and a judge to say whether i can or cannot puff while on probation. i am wondering if this is correct or if there are ways around it, or what. i really need canabis for my health problems and since i have not been able to smoke while on probation it has made life hell.


Well-Known Member
It is a medical issue, determined by yor doctor. If the D.A. decides to clarify your medical use the judge will find there are no grounds to restrict you from a physician recommended medication, no more than he can restrict you from taking morphine if your doctor prescribed it (even if you were busted for heroin). I can find you actual case law if you want. Here is a document that you can submit yourself to the courts, Motion to Clarify. I can also get you the same document in a format you can customize, email me if you need it. I hope this helps.