Columbian/Acapulco Gold question


If im not mistaken, i read somewhere that they "grafted" or whatever it is to the plant to make it turn this color. How is it a strain? Anywho, is there any sort of reading anywhere on how to do this procedure? Something like ripping the skin off of the main stalk or someshit. I would love to know this...


Well-Known Member
girdling.i think i spelled it right. lots of people don't buy it but some old school sativa growers from south america were discussing it on another forum and insisted that's how its done. some sativas actually cure to a natural golden color over time. these guys also talk about lengthy (several months) slow cures for landrace sativas. i believe that uv light enables a different finished product when used during the grow and even cure.


Active Member
From what I remember, the lighter color specis of the AG plant was just a natural defense byproduct of the plant caused by eons of natural selection caused by the intense sunlight of that region. Darker plants just quickly burned up so the lighter ones were the ones that propigated.

They were just lighter colored plants and drying made it look more Golden than green. I do remember the seeds being light colored and real small also.

Panama Red was more tropical and same/same, had a red hue after dried. It on the other hand had big fattie seeds.

Supply & Demand created the market for bleached or treated weed so many methods have been tried to rip people off by calling their bleached junk, AG.

But in fact, the real deal was just a lighter colored strain, I believe. And DAMM. I wish I had saved some of those beans! S