Comacast Monitoring My Internet Use?


Well-Known Member
So I've been a pretty frequent user of torrents and bit torrent downloading for years now, never had a problem before up until yesterday. I get an email from Comcast saying....

"Dear Comcast High-Speed Internet Subscriber:

Comcast has received a notification by a copyright owner, or its authorized agent, reporting an alleged infringement of one or more copyrighted works made on or over Comcast's High-Speed Internet service (the 'Service'). The copyright owner has identified the Internet Protocol ('IP') address associated with your Service account at the time as the source of the infringing works. The works identified by the copyright owner in its notification are listed below. Comcast reminds you that use of the Service (or any part of the Service) in any manner that constitutes an infringement of any copyrighted work is a violation of Comcast's Acceptable Use Policy and may result in the suspension or termination of your Service account."

Then they go on to tell me the exact time, place of download, EXACT file size, EXACT file name and all this other personal info about my computers IP and such. If they can monitor that, then whats to say they dont monitor all personal use of computers... legal or not.

Anyways, long post... sorry for that, bottom line is What Can I Do So I Can Keep Downloading?


Active Member
tell them you download back up copys of media you allready own and have paid for , theres no law against that or just change ur isp :D

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
heres the deal

the owner of the matieral goes to the website you go to, and downloads the same file

when you download you also upload, as in share the same information with other users.

the other users could include the company that owns the copyrighted material... so they are downloading their own files from you.

by downloading from you, you list an IP address.

This is very normal stuff.

The company then finds out who OWNS the IP, as in which internet service provider... verizon, comcast, cox... whatever...

then contacts that ISP company, and tells them to warn/punish you. If the ISP doesn't *take action* and threaten termination of service, then the company owning the infringed material can sue the ISP.

all in all that letter is your ISP covering it's ass.

Try an application called PeerBlock or something similar to block known-ip's that collect information you upload.

That or try avoiding really recent uploads... Like don't download Transformers 3 the day it comes out on DVD and torrent sites... those will be hot and your more likely to get flagged



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info Verde, really good stuff to know. With PeerBlock do you have to type in all of the known IPs or is there some type of database/ list that is already programmed in?

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info Verde, really good stuff to know. With PeerBlock do you have to type in all of the known IPs or is there some type of database/ list that is already programmed in?
There's like a list of 1,000,000 ip's.


Active Member
What he said. PeerBlock FTW! I got it recently and watched it for a bit. It's scary seeing all the IP's that are trying to connect to you.

And also, don't upload anything, or keep anything in your torrent program. That will help some.


Well-Known Member
Yea dude .. this is doubled edged swordplay. it is not illegal to download a file. but it is illegal to upload and share the files. when you use your torrent manager make sure you turn off all seeding options. (you only want to be a leech.)I know people say to seed but that how you get in trouble by sharing the files.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Yea dude .. this is doubled edged swordplay. it is not illegal to download a file. but it is illegal to upload and share the files. when you use your torrent manager make sure you turn off all seeding options. (you only want to be a leech.)I know people say to seed but that how you get in trouble by sharing the files.
eh. I just say upload as long as you download... that way your covering some of your ass, and your not being a total dick

also just tell your ISP you have an open wifi... blame it on a random stranger connecting to your wireless network without your knowledge... then assure them you will make a password... then the next time they call say the same thing but you forgot or couldn't figure it out ;)

Play dumb. Basically.


Well-Known Member
Verde whats the "eh" about. when i do use torrents i upload 2x as much as the download. Then i just cut it off.


Well-Known Member
So I downloaded it and set it up to block P2P, Spyware, and Ads. How do yall have or suggest it be setup? All I do is torrent, RIU and some FB. I dont do mad hacking or anything super illegal on the internet and never upload anything.


Well-Known Member
Alright after having it on and trying to access Pandora and, it turns out those are considered P2P as well. Didnt realize that... So as I just asked, whats a good custom setup?


Well-Known Member
Right now I am using uTorrent. Used to have BitComet, but I feel like uTorrent is easier and cleaner


Well-Known Member
you do realize that every communication cellphone, e-mail, text, twitter, digital fart, or internet search is recorded, and routed through several specific locations in the U.S.

This is legal and has been going on for years. If your computer is connected to the internet, or has wireless capabilities, The government can legally peruse everything.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Your trying way to hard bro. Step 1. Setup your WiFi to the dangerous "open network" then call said isp after unhooking your internet...and be like he fuck face I had my WiFi router open and didn't realize and some douche downloaded some shit apparently. I ran teh virus scan and got rid of the Trojanzorz. If you shut my service off I'll sue you for breach of contract. You win. I promise. Just be adamant. Stick to you story. You win. Torrent all you want without all that garbage peer 2 peer shit. It's the tracker info you have to use to download the torrent that they trace...sorry. your not really doing anything.