Come on lets go green


Active Member
with harvest time coming up i think it would be best to start this thread.

the whole world is going green and i think its time for rollitupers should too.

Dont throw away ur plants!!!! not one bit of it, take all your trim and dry it and make hash or oil even! the whole plant is usable and its a waste to just throw all that hard work away.

i get about 4-5 grams of oil off every plant(at about 2-3 feet tall)

Imagine all that dank concentrate you could be smoking or even all the edibles you coulld have made but instead you just threw away your plant matter!

anyone else know any good uses for the plant?


Well-Known Member
On my last grow, I used a lot of the dried stems as stir-stix for smoking with glass-pipes. I've also kept some of the thick dried bottoms of the plant stems with the intention of possibly carving them into some art-work of some kind...

Also, all of my used soil goes into the composter and gets re-used later on in my garden and even in future grows!

Jursch, can you give me some pointers on using ALL of the leftover leaves for hash? I put my leaves from my last harvest in a plastic bag and into the deep-freeze...but that was back in July...can I still use them??


Active Member
well i hope u dried them befor put into the freezer im not sure what would happen if u didnt dry but im sure u did and yeah i think u should be able to i usually freeeze my trim for only a couple of weeks, i dnt really like to make hash its hard for me to not get the plant matter through the screening process i just make oil with 99% iso alcohol or i make edibles. in my opinion making oil takes more of the thc out of the plant then making hash because it really gets deep into the plant and pulls it out you know what i mean?

p.s. glad to see your helping the environment and that idea with making some form of art sounds really neat and i would love to see the final product, and if u dont mind me suggesting itd be pretty cool if u made some form of pipe out of the wood, id definalty buy that piece of art whether u make a pipe or what out of it


Well-Known Member
Thanks Jursch - unfortunately I didn't dry the leaves before freezing them... I really didn't know what I was doing there. Oh well - do you think they'd still be okay to make oil? It's been almost 3 months now, so maybe they're no good anymore for even that...?

I'm still trying to think of what kind of art I could use the dried stems for. I was thinking of carving them and making miniatures possibly...but the ones I have right now wouldn't be nearly big enough to make a wooden pipe... maybe this next grow, but even these ones arent more than 2/3 of an inch at the thickest part of the stems...

:leaf: GO GREEN!!! :leaf:


Active Member
i dont think u harmed the trim at all just let it dry out in a dark place and it would be fine to make oil, thatd be cool u could even make necklaces and shit too

oh and when u touch your trim how is it? ive never froze undried materials so im curious but i definalty think itd be fin to make oil how much do u have weighed out?


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I haven't taken it out to look at since it went in the freezer months There's probably about a half ounce in the bag, maybe more...

I know there's tonz of tutorials online about making oil, but could you let me know exactly how you do it? Thanks man!


Active Member
yeah i just take 99% iso alcohol and then throw the trim in it in a jar and shake every so often and let it sit for a few days then i strain and evaporate the alcohol away by boiling water and putting the alcohol in a jar and the bar in the boiling water outside becuz of how flamable it is keep it away from an open flame but just so u no a half ounce of trim will only make bout im guessing half a gram cuz i get an o of shake and get about a g and half or so out of it

i would wait till ur next harvest u no


Active Member
I like this idea, going green :) Seriously though, does anyone make an effort to do a environmentally friendly grow room? I have gone about as far as dayzt by using the stems for various tools.

Its a logical place to make enviromentally friendly and it will go a long way to improve MJ growers' image as an asset to the community and not a threat.



Well-Known Member
yeah i just take 99% iso alcohol and then throw the trim in it in a jar and shake every so often and let it sit for a few days then i strain and evaporate the alcohol away by boiling water and putting the alcohol in a jar and the bar in the boiling water outside becuz of how flamable it is keep it away from an open flame but just so u no a half ounce of trim will only make bout im guessing half a gram cuz i get an o of shake and get about a g and half or so out of it

i would wait till ur next harvest u no
Thanks Jursch! Sorry, I don't want to make this into a thread about oil, but one more question... How exactly do you use the 'oil' once it's finished and ready? Do you use it in cooking?