Comments on grow - yellow & brown tips / edges


Hey everyone,

I'm about 6 weeks into this grow, just switched over to 12/12 about 3-4 days ago, waiting for sex to show. The grow has gone decently so far without major problems.
  • Strain: No idea, either seeds from bonus pack or some sort of haze I ordered. Either way, I don't think they were very good genetics, as this is my 3rd grow with these and not a huge fan so far, but it puts out a very acceptable bud in the end. :-o I think I need to find a strain that does well indoors in higher heats.
  • Soil / Water / Ph: I'm using about a 50/50 mix of FFOF and LW. Water around every 4 days currently with 7ph, run off is around 5ph.
  • Nutes: I use Grow Big from Fox Farms during veg, about every 3rd watering starting in the 3rd week. I need to hit the shop and buy the flowering fox farms nutes tomorrow when they're open.
  • RH / Temp: fluctuates around 30-60, and temps range from 76-85.
  • Lights: I'm using a 200w CFL. I have two bulbs, once for veg, one for flower, both are 200w CFL's. I also have a 150w HPS, but it is not hooked up since I wanted to avoid higher heat by using a CFL.
  • Air: I currently use 3 fans in the closet, one as an intake, one for circulation, and one as an exhaust. I do not pull in cold air from a AC duct, and knowing 85F is slightly hot, I figured the plants should be able to handle it.

I'm starting to see (or notice anyway) browning edges towards the lower part of the plant. Everything seems to be ok, so I wonder if the plants are just stressed because of the borderline high heats, or if there's a deficiency? I didn't give too many nutes in the veg phase, and knowing FFOF is sometimes hot, I took it easy, no nutes after I flushed and switched to 12/12 so far. Just wondering if anyone has any comments on the pics about what I could be doing better. The problem only seems to be on the lower / mid large fan leaves, not so much affecting new growth. Maybe some deficiency early on, or stress from ph fluctuations early on? Any tips / ideas? Thanks!

