
Flat white paint. Panda and Orca films are highly recommended by most over mylar. Just avoid those mylar blankets, they let light through.
Well I mean if your pinching penny's and you so happen to have a box of those blankets why not right but for pretty much the same price a nice matte white paint is what I'd do. But if you got the green I hear panda orca and diamond are top notch. Putting up these films miiiight be a prodject... I wouldn't know from experience but I know how to use a paint brush lol

I remember reading a data sheet that said like white paint has something like 85% reflectivity. Mylar 90% those other 95% could be wrong so don't take that as the one true gospel
Well my plan is to build a 4'x6'x8' flower room outside of it particle board lined with reflective foam but it is pricy so was thinking just reg foam insulation with either panda film or the diamond