Compost vs humic acid in clay dirt?


Well-Known Member
Went two years with nothing planted & now need to soften my yard again, i used compost 6 years ago but I'm short at the moment, anyone think humic acid would be just as or more effective?

I have a ton of this stuff and was planning on tilling my yard with this along with some perlite and maybe some ewc?
Do you know if it's salty or silty clay?

I'd see if a sample is dispersive or not. If it's dispersive, i'd use some gypsum and work it through before adding more organic matter.

Either way, dispersive or not, you're going to need more organic matter. Compost and a good layer of mulch would be ideal imho.

I'm not too sure about the humic acid, haven't used it, so i can't say.
Do you know if it's salty or silty clay?

I'd see if a sample is dispersive or not. If it's dispersive, i'd use some gypsum and work it through before adding more organic matter.

Either way, dispersive or not, you're going to need more organic matter. Compost and a good layer of mulch would be ideal imho.

I'm not too sure about the humic acid, haven't used it, so i can't say.
Its silty, deep orange/red,slightly acidic with low fertility so maybe I'll give gypsum a go. It rains so much here and i live on a slope so I need to put in a ton of work, thanks for the help bro.
Around here we have red clay and it can be hard as a brick, when it gets wet it'll swell and all the rain just runs off. So after building a house or building we get top soil till it in and either lay sod or seed it. Try to stay off of it to not compact it.