Compton.. wuz hood


Active Member
MY QUESTION IS????? I GOT SOME SEEDS AND FOR HEIGHT THEY SAY SMALL,MEDIUM,TALL... I ORDERED ALL SMALL/MEDIUM HEIGHT SEEDS.. IM NOT ASKING FOR AN EXACT HEIGHT BECAUSE I KNW PLENTY OF OTHER THINGS effect how high u wanna grow ur trees but is there an ideal scale or amount of feet that the small/medium fall into like ex.. small tree in height 2-3ft... ex2 medium tree in height 4-6ft...ex3 tall 7-10ft.. i wanna keep em about 5-6feet max but i wanted to veg for about 2months or when the plants hit 2ft.. so plus rep on plus answers..


Well-Known Member
MY QUESTION IS????? I GOT SOME SEEDS AND FOR HEIGHT THEY SAY SMALL,MEDIUM,TALL... I ORDERED ALL SMALL/MEDIUM HEIGHT SEEDS.. IM NOT ASKING FOR AN EXACT HEIGHT BECAUSE I KNW PLENTY OF OTHER THINGS effect how high u wanna grow ur trees but is there an ideal scale or amount of feet that the small/medium fall into like ex.. small tree in height 2-3ft... ex2 medium tree in height 4-6ft...ex3 tall 7-10ft.. i wanna keep em about 5-6feet max but i wanted to veg for about 2months or when the plants hit 2ft.. so plus rep on plus answers..
No really ideal scale... I mean what are you looking for here? Because the height will depend on genetics yes, but it'll also depend on how long you decide to veg. If you want to grow them to about 6 feet come harvest time, veg till they're about 3 feet then put them into flower. Plants will double when flowering, and sometimes tripple. Of course you would need all the right lights and everything to achieve these kind of plants. But it's easily acomplished. Just veg till 3 feet, put into flower, 2 month's later your gonna have some roughly 6 foot tall plants with some dank ass buds on em!

Hope this answers your whatever..... I didn't realy understand the question, but I tried dog, I tried...


Active Member
i see what your saying.. if i veg longer will that make biggerbuds ontop bigger when its harvest time.. a couple of my plants i topped so there will just be 4main colas if i vegged those for ex 5weeks and 2months flower would i get bigger colas and buds if i vegged those for 8-9weeks and 2months flower.. iknow your trees get bigger and produce more with longer veg periods obviously.. but i just wanna know if it will specificly make the colas bigger on the topped plants.. plusrep for plus answers


bud bootlegger
yah, there is no real answer to what a small or medium sized plant maybe.. one persons small maybe another xl. but if you are worried about how tall a given plant maybe, there are ways to train a plant to keep it at a desired height.. there is lst, which is low stress training, which keeps the plants very short the whole grow by tying them down almost from the start... or there is scrog, where you use a screen and train your plants to only grow to a certain height, and only the buds come through the screen. or supercropping, which is just bending the tops of the plants when they get so tall.. there is also topping, which is actually cutting of a part of the plant to keep them short.. you can also tie down a plant using fishing wire and fishing weights... there is plenty that one can do to keep a plant on the shorted side of things.. its just up to you to choose one and do some research on it..
not sure if this is what you were asking, lol.. but if so, i hope it helped you out some..