Confined Space..GETTING CROWDED!

Hello fellow rollituppers. I have this cabinet box that i retrofitted with a dwc grow. The clones that i've gotten have made great progress. Too much progress in fact, im growing 4 skywalker ogs (5 weeks going on 6 vegging). I have done some lst to help avoid some vertical growth and i have bought humboldt bushmaster to completely stop vertical growth when i start flowering next week. The cabinet is starting to get super crowded and I believe that only the top of the plants are receiving light. An analogy that I can make is a rain forest. The top of the rain forest trees (canopy) receive all the sunlight while the bottom (floor) is nice/shady and barely/doesn't receive any sunlight. I believe that this will decrease some of my yield but is there any way I can trim some leaves to help the bottom receive sunlight?
I've read about it somewhat and
"I trim mine a few strategical fan leaf removal at a time. In other words, don't go crazy, they need leaves to photosynthesize. At the same time, you can cut fairly freely without having too much of a consequence. As a general rule, the later I get into flowering, the less I alter my plant. You're still early enough you can cut some of the leaves to get some of your more promising bud-sites out of the shade. As they grow back, trim the same few places, keeping the most promising bud-sites in light through the duration of flowering, but keeping the majority of the leaves to ensure proper photosynthesis."

exactly how do i choose which leaves to trim for the some of the bottom to receive sunlight (does it matter)? and i remember reading blogs long time ago on here, I would see growers take off ALL the leaves on the bottom half of the plant. What is this called and what are the techniques to this?


Well-Known Member
Many people call this "lollipopping". You remove the bottom 1/3 of leaves and shoots. It will kinda resemble a lollipop. Better focus on top growth, better air flow in and around the plant.

Other say not to remove that much. You can take the sugar leaves and keep the shoots that will have buds later. I prefer to just lollipop tho. When you do that it also stunts growth a bit, as the plant releases a hormone to protect itself from infection where you just made the cut. This hormone that is released stops the plants growth for a short time. 2 to 3 days.
Ok perfect. I've been trying to search up on lollipopping and i've found some stuff but nothing on techniques. What kind of technique do i use? or do i just cut/snap every branch 1/3 from the base?