Confused about lighting

Hi ya'll! I am a complete newbie but have been reading as much on indoor growing as I possibly can. Honestly, I think I'm reading too much, there's so many opinions!! My question is I have 10 Lemon Kush seeds I am about to germinate in the next day or so. I have a closet that is 8ft high by 4ft wide and 2 feet deep. What is the appropriate wattage/lumens/ to grow three plants? Thank you all in advance!:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
for that setup i would go with a 400watt hps system, or a 600watt hps system. U can buy an enclosed ballast/lighting setup (u just hang it) for under 200$.

That way your getting nice lighting for that area for a great price.

make sure the have air going out of the room cause the kush wil smell dank as hell, and if ur closet is 8 feet in height, i would worry too much about heat, but remember during summer time it gets warmer.


Active Member
With the size closet you have order the 400 watt hps system from The basic complete light setup is like $120.


Active Member
I would probably use the 600w with a remote ballast. You might check into doing a verticle SCROG. Make sure your room is well ventilated.


Well-Known Member
everything is budget dependent but if u can afford it buy a decent light hood for and hps/mh bulb with a remote ballast( ballast will give off quite a bit of heat so its better if its outside ur grow area) make sure the ballast takes both mh and hps. use mh for veg and hps for flower, if u can only afford 1 then get hps(most hps bulbs have some blue spectrum light that will help veg) as for wattage remember more light =more growth but also more heat so u gotta make sure youve a good airflow intake and outtake. i'd go for 400 or 600watts. if u can afford it u could throw a coupl of low wattage cfl down the side for when ur plants bush out to give them full coverage.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Hi ya'll! I am a complete newbie but have been reading as much on indoor growing as I possibly can. Honestly, I think I'm reading too much, there's so many opinions!! My question is I have 10 Lemon Kush seeds I am about to germinate in the next day or so. I have a closet that is 8ft high by 4ft wide and 2 feet deep. What is the appropriate wattage/lumens/ to grow three plants? Thank you all in advance!:eyesmoke:
400 woulddo just fine
I appreciate all the feedback I received. Finally!!! I germinated 7 seeds and 4 sprouted. I just planted the 4 in 3 gallon pots 3 days ago. My closet is 8 square feet. I have only 3 100watt cfl hanging overhead the 4 plants each with a light reflector and 2700 lumens each. The lights are 2700k. I am making a trip to Home Depot tomorrow to buy some 6500K lights- which I know I should be vegging with already:( My questions are in an area this big how many more lights should I buy? Also, am just curious as to what everybodys thoughts are on trying to do a whole grow in the 3 galllon pot-I probably shoud have transplanted but I didnt. Lastly, money is tight so I keep my heat around 65 in my house, is this going to effect my grow or will the lights hanging about 3" from the plants enough heat? Thank you for the time to read my post. I am a newbie and know I'm making some mistakes so hoping I can get some guidance from here on out......


Active Member
the cfls will produce some heat, so your temp should be fine

and those are 26 actual watts (100 eqvilalent watts)

and if you get some 6500k that will be plenty of light for veg

but may need to get some more for flower, when that time comes