Confused about the sex, First grow


Active Member
Hey, This is my Very first grow, I have been reading on these fourms for about 3 months and finally decided to grow, This plant is a month old, random strain from bag seed, its under 400watt hps and its been 12/12 from seed. the thing is, i see little balls and i see little hairs, do the pistils come out of little balls when they are made? or if its hermie, is their a way to keep it? thanks :D sorry if the pics arnt good, im a noob :)



Well-Known Member
it look like a man in the first pic, but the angle suck... can't tell by the other 2... it would be easier to look up the threads that have the pics of both female and male plants, showing you what to look for... it has a lot of pics, but i forgot the title... but i'm sure you'll find it if you search


Active Member
it look like a man in the first pic, but the angle suck... can't tell by the other 2... it would be easier to look up the threads that have the pics of both female and male plants, showing you what to look for... it has a lot of pics, but i forgot the title... but i'm sure you'll find it if you search
THanks for the fast reply man, and i have some what of an idea of what a man looks like, i just got confused by the hairs. Thanks for the reply I guess ill give it a week nd cut it down if it gets more balls :bigjoint: appreciate it NeedHelp


Active Member
he is right it do a look a like a man. i do not think your arrow is pointing at a hair. if it is a hermie... just grow it for learning sakes. Make it strive a little it will help you with your next grow. you can still smoke it, hermies are kinda like the shwag that comes from mexico to the states and canada. it is better than all male. that is just worthless for the most part.


Active Member
Thanks makersknob, and to tell you the truth im pretty new to smoking. I still get the heart racing when i'm high and sketch out a little lol, i guess ill learn. Yeah i got 3 others growing so fingers crossed!


Active Member
Sorry mate. First one is a definite male. Second one i can't see. Third picture tells us something is not good. You've said they are 1 month old under a 400W HPS. Something got those babies very stressed as the third one looks quite ill. Besides... what's your reason for growing 12/12 from seed? For the sake of the buds-that-will-crack-your-head-of-pleasure, next time give them some more light:). If, for economical reasons you can't keep the lights on too much, try do this
- seed 10 plants
- keep them under 20h light for 14 days from sprouting
- switch to 12/12
in about 10-14 days you'll see their sexes.
with a bit of luck you'll have 5 females. make sure you kill the males as soon as possible but NOT untill you're SURE that those are males.
40-45 days form this point you might find yourself knocked down in your arm-chair:))


Active Member
its ok. smoke is for pleasure for the past 5000+ years. Take it as it comes and just enjoy it. being able to grow pot is natures way of saying thank you for smoking the only thing that makes people think straight about loving earth and mankind.

that heart race nervousness goes away when you become more involved in marijuana/cannibas culture.