Confused, Inner leaf yellowing **PICS**


Well-Known Member
You look like you're doing a similar system to my about a little more info?


Well-Known Member
Well i've tryed everything, i've set the PH to 6.0 and i've fed them lots of iguana juice it seemed to give them a lot more darker green but still did not remove the yellowish growth on the inner of the leafs. I also noticed the Feminized Master Kush is flowering under 16 hours of light kind of odd... I gave them some calmag but didn't seen to have any result. I dont know what info you would like please reply back.
First of all I have to say that they look quite nice and I wouldn't be bothered about the little yellowing I see. I generally run my PH at 5.7 but it fluctuates between 5.7 and 6.1. I really don't think PH is the issue. Are you measuring PPM? Are you following any sort of feeding schedule or are you just adding stuff when you're trying to correct a problem?

Muddy Paws

Well-Known Member
That's just new growth, man...your plants are doing great! You WANT that light green on the inside of means the plant is growing at a good rate of speed. The new growth comes out light green then as it collects light; the chlorophyll does it's thing and turns the leaves darker.

Don't change anything you're doin, you should strive to see this every morning. :D

They look really good!