Conspiracy theories solved

This is all interrelated. JFK was assassinated by Elvis and Tupac after being paid a handsome fee by the Reptilian elite on a "murder for hire" contract paid for by big pharma to distract the American public while the Bilderberg group secretly sterilized the entire nation by contaminating our water sources with fluoride, spread chemtrails, surpressed free thought with HAARP, and established the New World Order.

After their establishment the New World Order combined forces with the Freemasons, al-Qaeda, and the Illuminati to travel back in time, bomb pearl harbor, commit the holocaust, and fake the moon landing before jumping forward in time to murder Princess Diana, commit 9/11, and start the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan all so that they could cover up the fact that George W Bush was actually a manchurian candidate put in power by the evil lord Xenu, who was actually the pilot of the unidentified alien spacecraft that crashed in Roswell back in 1947.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
This is all interrelated. JFK was assassinated by Elvis and Tupac after being paid a handsome fee by the Reptilian elite on a "murder for hire" contract paid for by big pharma to distract the American public while the Bilderberg group secretly sterilized the entire nation by contaminating our water sources with fluoride, spread chemtrails, surpressed free thought with HAARP, and established the New World Order.

After their establishment the New World Order combined forces with the Freemasons, al-Qaeda, and the Illuminati to travel back in time, bomb pearl harbor, commit the holocaust, and fake the moon landing before jumping forward in time to murder Princess Diana, commit 9/11, and start the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan all so that they could cover up the fact that George W Bush was actually a manchurian candidate put in power by the evil lord Xenu, who was actually the pilot of the unidentified alien spacecraft that crashed in Roswell back in 1947.
All this however does not explain why dentists are secretly running Hollywood, and through Hollywood, the entire world's cultural evolution.

The Evidence:

John Wayne played the first on-screen singing cowboy in the film Riders of Destiny (1933) despite the fact that he couldnt sing a note. the vocals for the film were performed by the producer's dentist.
The script for Gone With The Wind was rejected by various studios numerous times until it was rewritten by the screenwriter's dentist.
Bella Lugosi died during the shooting of his last film, for the final cutaways a stand-in was selected to replace the deceased star, the 6'1" dark complexioned hungarian actor was replaced by a 6'5" blonde swedish man, the producer's dentist.

there are so many more cases of dentists influencing hollywood history that i would be hard pressed to list them all, but the terrifying fact is, the Amercian Dental Association has been secretly guiding the evolution of film as an artistic medium, and though it the evolution of our society for more than 80 years now.

what sinister plan do they have in store for us next?


Well-Known Member
All this however does not explain why dentists are secretly running Hollywood, and through Hollywood, the entire world's cultural evolution.

The Evidence:

John Wayne played the first on-screen singing cowboy in the film Riders of Destiny (1933) despite the fact that he couldnt sing a note. the vocals for the film were performed by the producer's dentist.
The script for Gone With The Wind was rejected by various studios numerous times until it was rewritten by the screenwriter's dentist.
Bella Lugosi died during the shooting of his last film, for the final cutaways a stand-in was selected to replace the deceased star, the 6'1" dark complexioned hungarian actor was replaced by a 6'5" blonde swedish man, the producer's dentist.

there are so many more cases of dentists influencing hollywood history that i would be hard pressed to list them all, but the terrifying fact is, the Amercian Dental Association has been secretly guiding the evolution of film as an artistic medium, and though it the evolution of our society for more than 80 years now.

what sinister plan do they have in store for us next?
you have to know it's gonna involve fluoride.


Active Member
This is all interrelated. JFK was assassinated by Elvis and Tupac after being paid a handsome fee by the Reptilian elite on a "murder for hire" contract paid for by big pharma to distract the American public while the Bilderberg group secretly sterilized the entire nation by contaminating our water sources with fluoride, spread chemtrails, surpressed free thought with HAARP, and established the New World Order.

After their establishment the New World Order combined forces with the Freemasons, al-Qaeda, and the Illuminati to travel back in time, bomb pearl harbor, commit the holocaust, and fake the moon landing before jumping forward in time to murder Princess Diana, commit 9/11, and start the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan all so that they could cover up the fact that George W Bush was actually a manchurian candidate put in power by the evil lord Xenu, who was actually the pilot of the unidentified alien spacecraft that crashed in Roswell back in 1947.
Where do the teletubbies fit in?


Well-Known Member
You know what is starting to look like a conspiracy?

Party loyalty.

From dimwits who defend Obama's every move, even when they criticized Bush doing the same things to Republicans calling themselves libertarians, party loyalty resembles a conspiracy.


New Member
That aspect is already sorted, with some bacon and a burial at sea. I'd say the photo covers it.. :D View attachment 2535290

Additional image, for comedic value:
Teletubies are a secret organization led by alec baldwin and bill braskey

Notice the pixilation around the mouth area, clearly its distorted lizard tongue that was edited out.