Constant light/dark schedule changing :/ PLEASE HELP!


New Member
Sup all! im just wondering is it bad to constantly have a changing schedule for my plant? E.g. Sometimes I have a light on my plant (all day) then ill have it turned off at night... then ill have the light the next day and keep it on for 24 hours. Then ill have it on the window sill for a bit. etc.... LIKE it is constantly changing. My plant is probably 1 week and 2 days old! Is this a very terrible idea, or does it not matter????
keep it consitent if you can, my first grow i did that and i look back on it i think it
reduced my yield and would probably explain the hermies i ended having..


Well-Known Member
Nothing worse for a young plant if you want to get anything from it. It should be lit for 18 hours minimum.