Container Size


Hey everyone, I’m on my first grow, we’ve pretty much been winging it but so far so good, we’ve got 5 plants that we’re ready to start flowering, their in 10” pots that we just transplanted into a week ago, we went from seedling to 6” to 10” and thought it would be big enough, but one of the plants is now 24” the others about 18”.

So, should I put them in a bigger pot before we flower or do you think the 10” will be good? Like I said we just transplanted them a week ago so I would prefer not to stress them out again, but don’t want them to out grow in the middle of flowering…can you transplant during the flowering stage if necessary?



Well-Known Member
the rule of thumb is 1 gallon per foot of plant, your plant will double in size atleast when in flower, i would go no less than 3 gallon! standard builders bucket


Active Member
What's really important is the volume of the pot, not the heighth alone or width alone. I would go with 3 gallon pots, the bigger the better

kbo ca

Active Member
I grew some og kush oudoors in 5 gallon buckets, the tallest grew to be 8 feet tall! The larger your container, the larger your plant can grow. You don't need a gallon per foot. It would be in your best interest to get your plants as large as you can while being as discreet as possible meaning keeping them out of view. Keep this in mind when choosing container size. You may need to learn some pruning techniques to keep your shrub in check... Respect


Thank you! I do have some 3 gallon buckets but I was hoping to save on the soil for another transplant if I can and size IS an issue, these are inside and the ceiling is only so high, I do not want or need 8’ tall plants, so maybe I'll try and keep them in what their in or put the bigger one in the 3 gallon and work on my pruning technique as suggested.
What about transplanting after the flowering begins? Is this OK, what’s the general rule of thumb on this?


Active Member
I would do a transplant just before switching to 12/12 give them a few days to recover then switch. Thats what i do anyway. Less stress in flower the better i think.


Well-Known Member
Go big and use those 10 gal buckets! Your palnts will love it. I go from sprout to 16 oz solo party cup for 2 weeks, then into 1 gallon containers until i'm about to flower, then into the big pots for the reaminder of the great for me!

kbo ca

Active Member
You can transplant during flower however, it's quite unnessecary. Transplanting does cause stress to a certain extent and flowering is the last time you want your plant to endure stress. I would transplant asap if you know you're going to do it anyway. The reason my plants grew to be 8 feet tall is because they were un topped, i just let em do their own thing! It's always nice to have a short fat bush especially if you are growing a limited number of plants. I use 3 gallon pots for my indoor grow and they work great. my plants get a little over 4 feet tall and yield quite nicely. Very easy handling with a smaller pot.