Containers, how often to lean them, how often to replace them?


Well-Known Member
I use soil and 5 gal containers. How often should I clean my containers and how often should I replace them?

I have tried cleaning them before, but often seem to have no luck removing the salt build up on the sides of the container. Should I just replace them? Does the salt build up have a negative effect on my girls? I assume it would, which is why I am asking this question, but if the containers dont matter, I do not want to spend the money replacing them frequently nor the work to clean them if I dont have to. thanks RIU!
I clean mine (square black plastic pot`s) every time, use bleach or H2O2, if they have a lot of lime you need to use a acid product

it can also be a good idea to have a big tup or similar so you can soak em for some time if its hard to get off

remember to clean all the bleacher off afterwords before you place a new plant in it
I clean mine (square black plastic pot`s) every time, use bleach or H2O2, if they have a lot of lime you need to use a acid product

it can also be a good idea to have a big tup or similar so you can soak em for some time if its hard to get off

remember to clean all the bleacher off afterwords before you place a new plant in it

I do the same thing.
Just no bleach or h2o2. Just clean them in mild warm soapy water and rinse well after each grow.
Pots stay nice and clean if you keep them polished.
bleach spray, then wash, then rinse 2x with fresh water. you might need to use a scrub brush sometimes.
Switch to grow bags then all you have to do is throw them in with your wife's clothes and they are as good as new.
Switch to grow bags then all you have to do is throw them in with your wife's clothes and they are as good as new.

grow bags in containers, or just grow bafgs on thier own? I move plants around a lot, I feel like it owuld beeasy to spill a 5 gal grow bag if it was moving around the gardne. And by grow bag Im assuming you mean teh black plastic bags right?
grow bags as in the felt like material kind. the new ones are "spring loaded" to stand up on their own.