Controlling low temp with Paraffin heaters??? PLEASE HELP ANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My grow is in a garage so i have problems with too warm in summer and far too cold in winter!!!!!!!

Im getting about 20% yield if im lucky and have done for over a year now ready to give up even though ive lost thousands. Gr8 smoke but bad yield.

Temp now hitting about 7degrees at nite (-6 outside 2nite :{ ) even with 3 heaters set on thermostats. Heaters all running at about 3k each and usually blow after few weeks, did last year anyway.

Was thinking of buying a big paraffin heater for about 200 (which i cant afford) and putting putside the tent will this help??? and will co2 save my yet again poor crop??

ANYONE WITH EXPERIENCE OR ANY TIPS would be a life saver and greatly appreciated.


pease out smokers​


Well-Known Member
im not sure about parafin, i dont really like the idea of a naked flame close to my grow and the fuckin smell is terrible and may taint ur smoke. what i would maybe consider is an oil filled radiator heres a link to an ebay page.
also u mite consider insulating ur garage with something, we have a product in the u.k called 'kingspan', heres a link to show u what it is
gud advice on the parafin bought one but not gna use it too afraid off it falling off n burning place down n if its reali smokey it wil ruin my smoke lol