Coot LOS, Rev TLO, SubCool SuperSoil, BioCanna: Side By Side


Well-Known Member
Mentioned this briefly almost a month ago but I’m almost done cooking, got room about set up, and got the “victims” about ready to go in their final organic homes.

I’ll be doing a side by side by side by side by side comparison to hopefully answer some questions for myself and others about the following organic grow systems.

1) Coot’s No Till Loving Organic Soil
2) SubCool’s Super Soil
3) Rev’s Total Living Organics
4) Bio Canna Full Bottled Lineup in FFOF soil
5) My Own Cobhobbled mix of meals, Guanos, etc

I’ll post full recipes and everything once I get a minute but I kept them all as close to the original recipes (teas/drenches/etc included) but there were some modern changes across the board.


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Still waiting on worms, and “cooking” a little but got my barley straw and composted mulch... Cover Crops are starting to sprout. I started light water cycles and specific “microbe exciters” to each. Should be transplanting in about a week. I will now separate each experiment to it’s own post.
SubCool’s SuperSoil
10 Gal SmartPot
Roots Organic Soil
FoxFarm LightWarrior (in place of BioBizz)
Wiggle Worm Worm Castings
Down To Earth Fish Bone Meal
Roots Organic Bat Guano
Down To Earth Blood Meal
Epsoma Rock Phos
Horticultural Epsom Salt
Dolomite Lime
Down To Earth Humic Acids
Cover Cropped and Mulched with Composted Bark

Strain: Seedsman The White OG (Lil Wyte Inspired)
Currently 30 days from germination


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The Rev’s TLO (modernized)
Wiggle Worm Worm Castings
Blue Ribbon Compost
High Quality Steer Manure
Added Perlite
Epsoma BioToneDown To Earth Greensand
Down To Earth Oyster Shell
Dolomite Lime Mix (Prilled and Powdered)
Down To Earth Blood Meal
DTE High N BatGuano
DTE Feather Meal
DTE Bone Meal
Epsoma Rock Phos
Hort. Gypsum
DTE Kelp Meal
DTE Humic Acid
DTE Alfalfa Meal
Cut with Roots Soil

Strain: Seedsman Black Sugar 20 days from Germination


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Clackmas Coot’s Living Organic Soil
Malibu BioDynamic Compost
Premier Spagnum Peat Moss
Rice Hulls
Lava Rock
BAS Crustacean Meal
BAS Bassalt
BAS Kelp Meal
BAS Gypsum
BAS Oyster Flour
NeemSource Neem and Karanja Cake
Cover Cropped and Mulched With Barley Straw

Strain: Seedsman Gelat.O.G 30 days from Germination


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BioCanna Organic Bottled Nutrients
Bio Vega
Bio Flores
Bio Rhizo
Bio Boost
Budswel Guano (BioCanna lacks phos a bit)
Natures Nectar Nitrogen (BioCanna lacks late nitrogen)
FoxFarm Ocean Forest straight from the bag to start

Strain: BlackBerry Kush Revived sick clone 1 week re-rooted


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Wouldn't clones from the same plant be a better comparison?

I'm still interested and will check in though...I use a close version of Subcools recipe, only with Promix instead of Roots....But it needs....something!!
Yes, but can’t win them all.
I tried...
Random/Custom Organic SuperSoil
Pro Mix
Malibu Bio Dynamic
Alaskan Humus
Wiggle Worm EWC
Charlie’s Chicken Manure
BioTone Starter Mix
Kelp Meal
Crab Meal
Alfalfa Meal
Budswel Super Bat Guano
Neem Cake
Karanja Cake
Fish Bone Meal
Glacial Rock
Oyster Shell
Rock Phos
Cover Cropped and Mulched with Composted Bark

Strain : Seedsman BlueBerry (15 days from Germination


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Tried subs soil wasn't all that impressed, then used a spreadsheet to break down the nutrients worked backwards and came up with my own with the calcium component from Coots recipe. Didn't have a good k source so relying on molasses this go. Sure enough k def by 5th week flower along with nitrogen. Chicken shit fertilizer will solve k def at 5-4-5 and some fish emulsion. Tread carefully need the right ratio of k to mg.
Tried subs soil wasn't all that impressed, then used a spreadsheet to break down the nutrients worked backwards and came up with my own with the calcium component from Coots recipe. Didn't have a good k source so relying on molasses this go. Sure enough k def by 5th week flower along with nitrogen. Chicken shit fertilizer will solve k def at 5-4-5 and some fish emulsion. Tread carefully need the right ratio of k to mg.
Thats exactly what I have been running in to, always a k def by 4th-5th week flower, and I too have been using blackstrap molasses to help. Certain strains are ok and others have the k def bigtime . Took me a minute to figure it out...Thought it was magnesium def.
Tried subs soil wasn't all that impressed, then used a spreadsheet to break down the nutrients worked backwards and came up with my own with the calcium component from Coots recipe. Didn't have a good k source so relying on molasses this go. Sure enough k def by 5th week flower along with nitrogen. Chicken shit fertilizer will solve k def at 5-4-5 and some fish emulsion. Tread carefully need the right ratio of k to mg.
Thanks for the heads up. Should be a fun run if I can keep it all together. I don’t plan on going further with these per se after this grow. Just wanted to give em a try and compile everything together for future findings... No Till is definetely the way to go long term if you have the time and capacity to “make” your own inputs and get a nice balanced sustaining ecosystem going after a couple years... But these are solely experimental.

I also dug up some old trees on the edge of a tree filled river bank and dug up some black gold... very very nice Earth, so I’m gonna drop 20 gallons of pre-mixed LOS in each hole and run these 3 “freebies” outdoor as well


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Little Update...
The ladies are in there Forever Homes and got first round of LST/Supercrop.
Lookin' and Smellin' strong...
So far so good


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I get great results in Coot's LOS. I get some fan yellowing about 5 weeks if final pot too small or using rigid pots instead of cloth or air pots. Just a fyi. 7 gallon is about minimum indoors for problem free grow that I (and I'm not an expert) have found. Just observations on my own growing journey. Others more knowledgeable can chime in and correct me. Any slight deficiency I can usually treat with small amendments watered in
I love LITFA
I get great results in Coot's LOS. I get some fan yellowing about 5 weeks if final pot too small or using rigid pots instead of cloth or air pots. Just a fyi. 7 gallon is about minimum indoors for problem free grow that I (and I'm not an expert) have found. Just observations on my own growing journey. Others more knowledgeable can chime in and correct me. Any slight deficiency I can usually treat with small amendments watered in
I love LITFA
Yeah, I'm a big fan of the Coots ... If you look at the pictures you'll see I have the LOS in a 20g pot (air pot) while the rest are in 10's. It really does well in large containers, even better in large raised beds. I've use LOS in the past and am going to continue to do so, this is just experimental and using up some "old" amendments
The Rev’s TLO (modernized)
Wiggle Worm Worm Castings
Blue Ribbon Compost
High Quality Steer Manure
Added Perlite
Epsoma BioToneDown To Earth Greensand
Down To Earth Oyster Shell
Dolomite Lime Mix (Prilled and Powdered)
Down To Earth Blood Meal
DTE High N BatGuano
DTE Feather Meal
DTE Bone Meal
Epsoma Rock Phos
Hort. Gypsum
DTE Kelp Meal
DTE Humic Acid
DTE Alfalfa Meal
Cut with Roots Soil

Strain: Seedsman Black Sugar 20 days from Germination
Do you plan to follow his grow method, with the use of layers and fertiliser spikes? Really keen to understand if his method does indeed allow you to use less medium and get the same results as someone using a 15gl+ pot