Well-Known Member
Had this indoors for a month or so... Never had ANY issues.
Seeing this copper colored discoloration and it seems like parts of the leafs in places are actually disintegrating.
This discoloration is appearing on not just the oldest leaves.
Indoor regimen...
60/40 Fox Farm Ocean/Perlite mix.
50% (at most) dose of Big Bloom every watering. RO water ph'd to 6.3.
Watering every 4-5 days when leaves just start to droop.
Re-potted into what I had on hand... 50/50 mix of miracle Blow and some compost.
5 (might be 3 gal) gal contained
Plenty of rain and maybe one hand watering from the tap (tap ph ~7.5)
Seeing this copper colored discoloration and it seems like parts of the leafs in places are actually disintegrating.
This discoloration is appearing on not just the oldest leaves.
Indoor regimen...
60/40 Fox Farm Ocean/Perlite mix.
50% (at most) dose of Big Bloom every watering. RO water ph'd to 6.3.
Watering every 4-5 days when leaves just start to droop.
Re-potted into what I had on hand... 50/50 mix of miracle Blow and some compost.
5 (might be 3 gal) gal contained
Plenty of rain and maybe one hand watering from the tap (tap ph ~7.5)
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