

Well-Known Member
So I saw the other guys post about his run in, or close call, with the cops and I myself had one the other night. I came up with the idea that we should share any close calls or let offs we have had with cops. I will start.
So I went and picked up a friend from work and we rode around smokein for a while. we decided we wanted to go camping. So we gathered all our stuff to go and went in search. We went to 3 diff. sites cuz she wouldnt camp out in the middle of nowhere. None of them would let us in cuz it was like 9 at night. Finaly we decided we were goin to find a place to chill for a wile then go to the chick i was withs house. This is where the story gets interesting
So we were driving around looking for a place to go chill and I went to turn a corner and looked in my mirror and was like o thats a cop that turned behind me need to act straight, since i was very much not sober and extremely high. But as soon as he turned the corner the lights came on.
I said "oh fuk its the cops" the chick i was with was like o shit what? So i pulled over and realized i forgot my fake ID was in the front of my wallet so i switched that and put it back in my pocket and realized my grinder was sittin out so i tucked that in the back seat with all the camping shit. Kinda off to a ruff start. Well the cop came up to the window and said "can you put it in park?" I was SOOOOOOO high i forgot to put my truck in park. At that point i figured to myself Im goin to jail. He was like I pulled u over cuz u didnt stop at that stop sign. I was like yea well I slowed down and saw no one was comin and it was clear.
He went and ran my license and didnt check my insurance and whatnot cuz i couldnt find it. but he let me go with a warning and before he walked back to his car he goes "You see them big red things on the corner that says stop, that means you come to a complete stop before going on" I was like yes sir.
If he would have decided to search the car he would have found; weed, grinder, high ppl, bong, bubbler, baggies, a scale, and rolling paper. Guess I got lucky