corn fields


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone grows in corn?? I know corn grows super fast and might be a reason not too plus not knowing when its getting cut but any advise or tips??


Well-Known Member
Find out when's it cut. First thoughmake sure the crops are not already sprayed with chemicals.


Well-Known Member
Ok well what I was thinking after checking them today is that I noticed a new patch that's only 3" tall and most corn around is already "flowering" or about 6' tall and should flower in another couple weeks.. I'm thinking of leaving mine in the patch its in (not producing corn yet) and let it stretch a little till I can move it to the other patch ( the new 3" plants) when they are a little shorter then the mj. I'm thinking let it stretch for light a little although its getting full sun now and then once I move them won't have to worry about corn being cut because the mj should be about done budding.. only thing is the plants are in the ground not pots so moving them might be tricky when or if they reach 7 foot which I believe they will being in the corn fighting for light..?


Well-Known Member
Horrible idea. Corn is harvested late summer-early fall. If their crops are sub-par they will harvest sooner. Take your plants up now


Well-Known Member
Horrible idea. Corn is harvested late summer-early fall. If their crops are sub-par they will harvest sooner. Take your plants up now
Not always, feed corn(not sweet)is intentionally left to dry on stalks and harvested sometimes as late as early November.

cancer survivor

Active Member
no you cant grow in corn feild. wrong on so many different levels! its somebodys livelehood and ur destroying it. i check my corn all the time for weeds and always spray weed killer so stay out of the corn. got it?