Is this grow light gonna be enough I switched from 86w led in space bucket to 400w hos for day now this bulb this my setup also have t5 on side lighting not hooked up cause of lack of t5 sockets lmk any ideas or tips please
Schwazzeee duh. More room for budzThey used to call them that cuz it looked like a corn cob.
Area does seem crazy with wiring everywhere .
Why surround pots with contained sheeting ?
Also … what is going on with this ?
View attachment 5270328
Nice.... why are you growing corn?Is this grow light gonna be enough I switched from 86w led in space bucket to 400w hos for day now this bulb this my setup also have t5 on side lighting not hooked up cause of lack of t5 sockets lmk any ideas or tips please
Huh?Haven’t hooked up t5 light due to how small weeed plants are I trimmed the leaves and added the new sprout seedling should I hang the corn bulbs and t5 lights or should keep ‘‘em on cart and add the corn bulbs which is way there called to grow my weed plants
I think the light is affixed behind the reflective material and they cut the material to scure the light and taped the reflective material out of the way?Did you tape the t5s onto the reflective bubble wrap to hang them? Yikes. I gotta go
View attachment 5270360
I dont see that one..... I see a ratchet hanger with red cordingIs that a bungy cord holding that light up?
wasnt he an old member? dip shit if i remember correctly? lolOh shit..... is this Buddernugs?
Haha, what???Isn't this the guy who put dead goldfish in his pot?
.... Case in point