corn led grow light 150w 5000k


Is this grow light gonna be enough I switched from 86w led in space bucket to 400w hos for day now this bulb this my setup also have t5 on side lighting not hooked up cause of lack of t5 sockets lmk any ideas or tips please


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Why would you select a light that casts the light to the sides rather than down? At least run it horizontal with a reflective hood to focus the light down not all around. I'm still not getting why use something like that? A spiral CFL would have been a better choice. There's so many options for grow lights now, I duno why people pick such strange things to use.
Holy cow, I know your itching to get things growing but you need to do some management of the wires and some standard maintenance of the space in general ..... to answer your question it'll be fine until flower and then you'll need more light if you want anything other than lairy little buds
Haven’t hooked up t5 light due to how small weeed plants are I trimmed the leaves and added the new sprout seedling should I hang the corn bulbs and t5 lights or should keep ‘‘em on cart and add the corn bulbs which is way there called to grow my weed plants
Did you tape the t5s onto the reflective bubble wrap to hang them? Yikes. I gotta go
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I think the light is affixed behind the reflective material and they cut the material to scure the light and taped the reflective material out of the way?
Is that a bungy cord holding that light up?
I dont see that one..... I see a ratchet hanger with red cording
Oh shit..... is this Buddernugs?
wasnt he an old member? dip shit if i remember correctly? lol

At this point I give the op props for wanting and trying to get something together, When I first started out I did things on a super tight budget (hence the name) but I'd almost tell them that maybe they shouldn't do it this way as its more probable that their is a fire than a sucessful harvest coming out of this room at this point......
This what I made so far t5 lights on side and 1000w corn led bulb for veg have it out side RN saving power this how it looks my sheds 10x10 and I'm wondering if you guys can help me get blueprints or ideas of grow room layouts and also need to know how to wire 6 receptacles and I have a dt101 timer intermatic box but need help see pictures...16839993255682909479798865844579.jpg


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Just get a cheap tent and setup in that. Figure out if you want to go 3x3 4x4, or 5x5, then clear the necessary space in your tent. Ditch that useless corn cob thing, like Jgrow mentioned, it throws lights to the sides, not down.

Edit: Shed, not tent. You have space in a 10x10 area for a mid sized tent that will still leave you room to work, space for inlines, storage, etc.

Get a nice solid 2x4 rack shelf to use as a work space and for storage, and stick a tent in the corner. It's clear as day that you have zero construction experience, so just go tent. Get a real light - ask for suggestions here in a separate thread. Ditch that cob into the trash. Clean up that shit house wiring mess. If you're going to make an attempt at growing for real(even in a small space), budget it out accordingly, and try not to skimp on details. When I was 15yo, I framed up my first grow room, a 3x4 spot that was sano af. Take your time. Do things right. Growing weed isn't rocket science, but it does require attention to detail.
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Simple fix. Stop messing with the seedlings. Stop cutting off all the leaves. Use ocean forrest so they get enough nutrients (4 weeks) which will give them some time to grow and get healthy enough to handle whatever it is that you are doing to them. They are plants and will grow without ever coming in contact with a human wielding scissors and “ideas”.
since that corncob splits 150 true watts in 6 directions that is not enough for tight buds. It's only 25 watt that point direct at the plant.