Corpzmanup's Grow starting with Week 1 Flower *LOTS OF PICS*


Active Member
Hello Rollitup!

This will be my first grow indoors...

Grow Room:
-4*8 Tent
-1200 Watts HPS (2 600 HPS)
-Foxfarm Soil and nutrient lineup
-6" Vortex Exhaust Fan
**I know I am missing a couple things, but will be adding soon**

-1 Quirkle
-1 Blue Dream
-1 P91
-Platinum OG

This is Week 1 of 12/12. I have started with only 4 plants just to get my feet wet. Since this is my first grow, I did not want to overwhelm myself with more plants.

I will be updating this weekly so that I can keep track of progress and learn from it =P

Here are some pics of my vegging rack, grow area, and current photos of week 1 flower.

Please stay tuned and any constructive criticism will be appreciated with rep =D.



Well-Known Member
You seem to have the basics down, Everything looks very nice and clean, but your plants are stretching terribly, the nodes are way too far apart.. your yield will most likely suffer..
I wish you the best of luck.

you would also get alot more views if you were to re-start this thread as a grow journal

Peace and Happy Growing!!

arik maso

Active Member
querkle is really good weed. i don't think the stretch is a problem since its your first grow and as long as the buds turn out good you shouldn't trip on yield. they look like you could tie them down and lower the light if you want to form a better canopy, but overall i think your grow looks really good


Active Member
Ty for the input thus far. I think they looked stretched because I am attempting to supercrop the lower stems. If it doesnt work well, I will be cutting them off since the light wont give them much attention later on. It seemed to work well with my outdoor grow this past season.

In indoor gardens how long will the supercropped branches heal? I am currently using only 1 600 watter. once the plants get a bit bigger I will plug in the other 600 watter.

Also anyone have experience with quirkle, platinum og and p91? The last 2 outdoor seasons I have grown bluedream and know whT to expect.



Active Member
So this is day 8 of 12/12. During week 1 i fed the girls half strength of Big Bloom. This week I fed half strength Brow Big and full strength Big Bloom.

How are they looking? In all honesty I think I vegged them a wee too long. 3 weeks under a 2 foot 4 bulb T5 HO light. It did get a bit crowded under the 2 footer and this is what caused them to stretch. But is the stretch too much?

I'm not sure if you can tell in the pictures that my attempt to supercrop the lower branches seem to be working. The lower branches have healed! =)

I have not picked up a carbon filter. Santa is supposed to be dropping that off =) But boy is the room skunky when I get home. I mean really Bud formation has not formed but they smell as if they are about ready to harvest.

I may start using the other 600 watter. Place 2 plants under each light. Or is this over kill?



Active Member
Another update...Its been pretty wet and rainy the last couple weeks here in San Diego, CA. I haven't been receiving much love from the ROLLITUP community. I suppose I'll just keep this as a personal grow journal. Any how...This is flowering day 20....

I think that I have over vegged these girls. Veg time was only 3 weeks. Now that I am ending week 3 of flowering it appears that I may be out growing vertical height in my garden. It is a 7 foot tall tent. I have about 20 inches before the colas touch the glass. How much longer do these things grow vertical? When do they begin to swell?

I am still following the FOX FARM's feeding/watering schedule.

Anyhow here is some nug porn....

Front Left: Platinum OG Front Right: Blue Dream
Back Left: P91 Back Right: Quirkle


Platinum OG





