Correct Carbon Filter/fan


New Member
i have a room just under 10x10, with window air conditioner 6000 btu. xxl hood with 1000watt hps. I need to run a carbon filter, I have a 8 inch 750cfm exhaust fan. What size carbon filter do I need? I am going to hang it above the door, and duct it through my hood, and out the wall. Can i just exhaust it back in room, or does it need to vent out the room...Im worried about throwing out all the expensive cool air. Local grow store told me I need a Phresh 8x22 carbon filter.
thank you


New Member
Drop the window air conditioner, and save the electricity. for the carbon filter, a wico 1000m3 would do the job.
For the right temparture, you have to exhaust the hot and clean air out of the room.
Remember to buy a climate control with dimmer and thermo.
I don't like to exhaust cool air either. I have cage fan mounted directly to a carbon filter that just sits in the room during flowering pulling air through the filter and blowing it straight back into the room. There is a good DIY filter, or buy the biggest one you can afford. It cuts the smell down quite a bit. The more air you can move through it the better.


Well-Known Member
buying a carbon filter is easy

what is the fan for your exhust .....what cfm now the carborn fliter has to match that rating to the different makers and styles this can very.........just look around and find the one that matches the size 4 6 8 10 inch and then match the CFM rating

checking the web site that store told u the correct thing .........they maybe a good one so do not piss them off and see about repeat discounts