Correct ratio?


Well-Known Member
So I'm gonna dig holes outside that will hold 5 gallons of soil for my plants. I've got organic potting soil, organic peat moss, eggs shells, worm castings, bone meal, organic chicken manure and garden soil. What would be the correct ratio of each to mix up for the holes? Anything else I should be adding? Thanks!!

Midwest Weedist

Well-Known Member
What's in your potting soil and did you source the garden soil from your garden or is it bagged?
Not that it isn't possible, but it's hard to over fertilize cannabis plants outside with organic amendments. I have no experience with manures, so someone will have to answer that one.
With castings (indoors) I use them at 1/3 rate of the whole. The bone meal should have instructions for how much per cubic foot, find that and I can help you with the math. Not all bone meals are created equally npk wise. Your peat Moss would serve more as a host for microbes to grow on since you're outdoors and don't need it to act as a base for your soil mix. Break up your egg shells as fine as possible, think powdered, and sprinkle it at anywhere from a fourth cup per cubic foot up to a couple cups per cubic foot, depending how much you have available. Egg shells take a while to break down and would take massive amounts in a bio available form to do damage. I suggest sprinkling some on top of your soil as the shells are a good way to protect from soft bodied insects.


Well-Known Member
Thanks MW. I use black gold natural and organic potting mix. It contains sphagnum peat moss, perlite, bark, compost, earthworm castings, dolomite lime and an organic wetting agent. The garden soil is from my garden. Bone meal is a 4-10-0 npk.