Cost of your electrical bill?

I'm in the process of planting my first ever :weed:.

Right now I'm sizing my options. To 'Indoor' or 'Outdoor', that is the question.

I'm gathering all necessary facts and figures. And something come to my attention, The cost of electricity on the setup.

With all the lights and fans turning on 12 - 18 hours a day, that would be the most expensive part of planting your own weed.

Do anyone know the cost of their electricity for plants?

Now I have decide to go hybrid between outdoor(whenever possible) / indoor planting.

captain bob

Active Member
Most people will probably tell you to read the sticky above, many factors to include.

I run a 1k for 12 hours a day, and roughly 8 4ft floros 24/7 and my bills are roughly 35-45$ a month higher than normal.



Well-Known Member
Tell me the info and i will work it out for you.

what are the watts of the things you are using

get a electric bill and tell me what you pay per Kwh