Cotton ball as medium?


just curious if anyone had thoughts on using cotton ball material as medium, i am going on my 3rd AG grow and am almost out of sponges from the starter kit. started researching different mediums, and on an aerogardening forum a guy is growing mesc. greens in cotton ball medium in his AG. any thoughts on this for our specific uses?



ive got 2 feminized rhino in the last 2 sponges ive got, but just to c what would happen i put about half a cotton ball in a 3rd basket to c if water would absorb too much into the cotton, and so far the cotton ball isnt wet on the top and underneath is holding up well too. ive got a few bag seeds i was going to try and get into the cotton, however not havin much luck germin them. will update with a few pics if i can later today..


Well-Known Member
I have heard of people using the spongy things from hair curlers. I saw a big bag at BigLots for like a buck.


so here are some shots, cotton ball on the bottom is nice and white, has not deteriorated or fallen apart at all. up top, nice and airy, water has only penetrated up about halfway, kinda hard to see in shots. along are some shots of my airpump and my 2 prior attempts, successful, but not really... only using cfls, bout 8-14 of them. simple small and conservative just for my closet lol

ps. thank you to everyone on this site, and everything in here. these are my first few posts but ive been reading and observing/learning for years now.



and to note that ugly yellow male thing there, im sorry i know its ugly lol. he was dead for a few days at that point before that picture


Well-Known Member
just curious if anyone had thoughts on using cotton ball material as medium, i am going on my 3rd AG grow and am almost out of sponges from the starter kit. started researching different mediums, and on an aerogardening forum a guy is growing mesc. greens in cotton ball medium in his AG. any thoughts on this for our specific uses?


I generally start my dwarf citrus trees in cotton balls but I've never used them in my A/G. I put them in a covered tin foil pie plate but they dry out real fast. You may have started something my friend. The ideas of germinating seeds in my A/G with cotton balls in the cages sound like something worthy of trying. Thanks


yessir, i talked with a guy whos been using them for mescalin greens (salad greens) and he stated theyve been fine. as of now it appears to me to be more than sufficient. i will try with a bag seed ive got to see if it will sustain throughout the flowering process and not fall apart or deteriorate. but as far as im concerned this stuff will work.. next attempt ill repost and update all on how the cotton reacts to extended amount of time in the res. water. any more thoughts or comments please respond :)
