Could Fox Farm's Big Bloom cause this? Leaves curling/edges are turning light brown


Active Member
Hello RIU
This first grow has not been the most pleasant so far.

Quick specs:
-Growing in soil
-Using CFL's 2700K(I know this lighting will produce popcorn size colas, no need to remind me)
-A little over 3 weeks into flowering
-Room Temps are never above 89 degrees(F), usually are around 82 degrees(F)

I have noticed that the leaves on my plants are starting to look strange, all in different ways, and I am tired of not knowing what is wrong.

1. The first picture is of a plant which I thought was only over watered, but I have let her dry out and she is not looking any better. I am hesitant to water her again. It seemed like this started happening after I gave her Fox Farms Big Bloom at half strength.

2. The second picture shows what some of the leaves are starting to do. They are starting to curl in, and the edges are turning a yellowish-brown and are rough, almost "crispy" to the touch. The leaf pictured is no where near close enough to be burned by the light. This problem seemed to be happening before I gave her nutes, but not as bad as it is now.

3. The last picture shows how some of the leaves on my plants are starting to crumple up. The texture reminds me of the colorful paper you would receive in a gift bag, real thin and flimsy. The rest of this plant looks healthy, and this also seems like it started happening after being given nutes at half strength.

PLant Problems 003.jpgPLant Problems 002.jpgPLant Problems 001.jpg

Could some of these problems have been cause by the inappropriate lighting(Not enough distribution over the entire plant/not powerful enough to absorb the nutrients)?

Thank you for reading!



Well-Known Member
With the leave tips curling down could have possibly been the heat, move your light and see if anything changes then if no change feed with regular water and see if that helps. Start with your light 1st since you have already fed them.

good luck


Active Member
actually leaves curl upwards when its to hot.It looks like a magnesium deficiency or possibly zinc which could of been caused by ph lockout.what is the ph of your water? you have to keep an eye on that i noticed you didnt mention it.I would try a teaspoon of epsom salt per gallon of water first because i had an identical problem my first grow and after a few days she snapped right out of it.The big bloom is mostly phousphorus so I wouldnt think it would cause lockout like that.Ive never used it though it is a possibility but im putting all my money on mag def.try it it wont hurt anyways.


Well-Known Member
Your wrote a real detailed post? What else have you gave'em and what kind of dirt you in? FFOF? Have you fed any Tiger Blood? :lol: I mean tiger bloom! I'm thinking it's nute burn!


Active Member
I really appreciate your knowledge and experience and will roll with it. I worried about nute burn before I ever fed them and I tried to be logical about the feeding so I cut the recommended amount of nutes in half to make sure they wouldn't have an adverse effect on the plants. I am wondering if my lights are powerful enough to allow the plant to absorb the nutrients and whether that would have anything to do with it.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the info on the heat curling the leaves down (most the time the heat will cause leaves to curl up,) i meant to say that i have seen both cases in my grow room. leaves were curling down n i move my light up a little and the leaves came back up.

That's why i said that it could possibly have been from the heat.


Active Member
I have only given them the Big Bloom, and only for one feeding so far. The soil is a mixture of cactus soil and plain black dirt.


:owhen was the last time you flushed your plants. since your in soil it could be a nute buildup. try flushing your plant with a gallon of water and epson salt and then a gallon of pure water. that should be enough to clean the dirt of unused nutes and should help clean your plant system of the excessive worked for me.:weed: also try to get some reflective material to harness the light leaving from the sides. and have you gotten or made a co2 system.


Well-Known Member
Your soil might be too acidic also, but that is def nutrient burn.. How much did you add to a gallon?


Active Member
2 tablespoons.

I flushed all my plants with a gallon of purified water with the correct PH and a tablespoon of Epsom salts, then with a gallon of purified water with a only a cap-full of Big Bloom(per gallon, its about one tablespoon or a little less).


Well-Known Member
but i use FFOF lineup, and the only nutes that strong, well are all of 'em except big grow big, and tiger bloom...beastie bloomz etc. if there is a deficiency, or toxicity early on, esp. using FFOF you can bet it is Nitrogen me, ive used the shit since my first grow, and now on round 4


Undercover Mod
It's pretty obvious that you have been over fertilizing them. That is what causes leaves to curl down and turn dark green to much nitrogen.


Active Member
So the two feedings I have done at half strength gave my plants too much nitrogen? I thought it would more than that to cause nutrient burn when only using Big Bloom.

I flushed the soil last night for the first time, but about a tablespoon of Big Bloom was added to the second gallon of water each plant received. How harmful will this be for the plants?

So you guys thinking that the curling and browning of the leaves of the 3 I posted was caused by nitrogen overload? Not my water PH?


Active Member
What do you think is causing the nitrogen overload?

My soil is a mix of plain black dirt, cactus soil, and some sand.
I only have used Big Bloom. Nothing else.


New Member
Its pretty hard to burn plants with Big Bloom, especially these days as its now pretty watered down crap. I would check for bugs/larve in the rootzone...fungus gnats and root aphids can both make a plant look overwatered/fed...


Well-Known Member
I'm actually shocked that they burned with that much, I have added bb to ffof right after transplanting and still no burn... hmmmmmmm