Could go for some advice


Active Member
Alright so here is my situation. I have a closet, almost no money, but i want to grow like one plant, you know just enough for me to smoke. Could anyone give me just a little tutorial on how i could manage this and how much it would cost me?


Well-Known Member
put some dirt in a pot and plant a seed get water from the sink and water it.

Buy a couple 4 dollar cfl bulbs from home depot and hang them over the plant

your gonna need money for later with nutrients and all that


Well-Known Member
Go buy yourself four CFLs, two 6500K and two 3000K.
Get yourself a 1 gallon pot, and TOPSOIL. Do not get anything with loads of wood/bark.
Buy some nutrients. get a fertilizer with a 3:1:2 ratio (you'll see that on the bag, an example would be like 30-10-20 or 15-5-10) and get another one with a 1:2:1 ratio (like 15-30-15)
Wet a paper towel. Fold it in half, then put a seed or two in there and fold the towel in half again to cover the seeds with wet paper towel.
Put the towel/seeds into a plastic bag. Put in a warm and dark place for a few days. Check in on day 3 or 4, ignore until then.
While waiting for seeds to germinate, figure out a way to hang those four CFLs. For one plant, I'd place those CFL lights about 15 inches apart from each other, in a square shape to account for how the plant will grow if you don't top it to bush it out.
You should see roots, now. Plant those two seeds near-center (about three inches apart from each other) about 1/4" deep, gently cover with soil.
water sparingly, only when it looks like it needs it. Trust me, you'll probably only need to water once a week. For the first four weeks, use only water.
If you use tap water, you should get some jugs full and put them out in the sunlight to help evaporate off chlorine and to help break down other things present in the water. 24 hours of actual light exposure should be good enough.
After those four weeks, pull the smaller plant and either repot it or toss it away. make a 1/4 strength solution of your 3:1:2 fertilizer. Water once with that, next watering just plain water, then after that try 1/2 strength. Repeat, and if all is well, go to 3/4, then full.

Go from there, make a journal, take pics, and make sure to keep us updated, yea? We'll try to help ya out. Once it's flowering time, then we'll discuss the 1:2:1 fertilizer and nute schedule for that.

Also, you may wish to get some way of testing soil and water pH.


New Member
go yank some copper pipe out of an old house, go to the scrapyard. get money, buy a cheap 150 watt HPS, dirt,. stick in closet surrounded by white painted cardboard. maybe grow 2.