Could use some opinions


Active Member
Just a few of my plants have this


I think the first 2 are magnesium deficiency but I'm not 100%

This pic didn’t come out so well, so I outlined the affected areas. It’s the top of the plant and the tips of the leaves are yellow

Thanks in advance

- SOG monsters


Well-Known Member
i can see the light burn, i get it almost all the time with a 1000k directly underneath, right between the veins, but if it happens to me its usually lighter like bleaching, ya dont think the PH is off do ya?


Well-Known Member
you may have a nice nute burn, may i ask are you in soil or hydro? any PH fluctuations? if in soil when was the last time you flushed?


Active Member
i can see the light burn, i get it almost all the time with a 1000k directly underneath, right between the veins, but if it happens to me its usually lighter like bleaching, ya dont think the PH is off do ya?

I test my PH every time I water, generally in the 5 range.

Curious, is there a soil meter?


Active Member
I test my PH every time I water, generally in the 5 range.

Curious, is there a soil meter?

1 gallon soil pots, fox farm, house and garden nutes. PH is always in the 5 range, I use R/O but hit it with cal-mag for magnesium.

I give straight water every other watering


Well-Known Member
sorry for all the posts, but the more i look at your pixs the more im leaning toward over fert along with PH issues, you have really dark veins, and really dark leaves, this leads me to believe that the plant is getting nutrients in abundance, dark green means shes getting more than enough food, i am curious to what your PH readings are and how much you feed them, along with any flushing


Well-Known Member
PH in the 5's is not cool with soil, yea they do make soil PH meters, they have long metal stakes usually measures PH lumens and moisture, really only good for checking for watering, my suggestion is the basic one, especially when we have trouble identifying what the issue is, flush it, 1 gallon pots need 3 gallons of water, but make sure you PH the water up to the 6's, if you use drops to test get it in the gold area, during the flush check the drainage runoff PH , this will let you know exactly what the soil PH is, aside from the original water PH, you may have a salt build up if you havent flushed from all the feedings from day one, this can cause your PH to get outa whack and locking out nutrients, from looking at your pixs your atleast halfway thru flowering right? when dealing with soil i get great results flushing for maintenance monthly, would be shocked how much salt builds up, also PH in the 5's will lockout nutrients, for hydro mid 5's are ok not for soil, i am certain this is the issue, as for your light, get as close as you can without burning your hand, i use air cooled hoods too and i can get atleast 6-8inch , also how far along are you into flower? also im just babbling cut back on the nutrients next feed just a bit, good luck you should be good to go after the flush


Active Member
sorry for all the posts, but the more i look at your pixs the more im leaning toward over fert along with PH issues, you have really dark veins, and really dark leaves, this leads me to believe that the plant is getting nutrients in abundance, dark green means shes getting more than enough food, i am curious to what your PH readings are and how much you feed them, along with any flushing
No please, feel free to continue

I believe this image may better show the top of the affected plant



Active Member
PH in the 5's is not cool with soil, yea they do make soil PH meters, they have long metal stakes usually measures PH lumens and moisture, really only good for checking for watering, my suggestion is the basic one, especially when we have trouble identifying what the issue is, flush it, 1 gallon pots need 3 gallons of water, but make sure you PH the water up to the 6's, if you use drops to test get it in the gold area, during the flush check the drainage runoff PH , this will let you know exactly what the soil PH is, aside from the original water PH, you may have a salt build up if you havent flushed from all the feedings from day one, this can cause your PH to get outa whack and locking out nutrients, from looking at your pixs your atleast halfway thru flowering right? when dealing with soil i get great results flushing for maintenance monthly, would be shocked how much salt builds up, also PH in the 5's will lockout nutrients, for hydro mid 5's are ok not for soil, i am certain this is the issue, as for your light, get as close as you can without burning your hand, i use air cooled hoods too and i can get atleast 6-8inch , also how far along are you into flower? also im just babbling cut back on the nutrients next feed just a bit, good luck you should be good to go after the flush
Good to know, I appreciate the help. I believe this may very well be the issue. These plants have never been flushed.

They are on week 5 of flowering

My mistake, I run a small hydro system that maintains the 5 range, the soil is generally in the 6 range.

I am certain there isnt an issue with light burn at this point


Well-Known Member
yea, the light burn tends to be in the center of the leaf, right between the veins and bright white, if your running hydro give her a good flush, what kind of system you running? i highly recommend you use flora kleen or clearex for the flush, this leaches all the salts in hydro systems


Active Member
yea, the light burn tends to be in the center of the leaf, right between the veins and bright white, if your running hydro give her a good flush, what kind of system you running? i highly recommend you use flora kleen or clearex for the flush, this leaches all the salts in hydro systems

This is a soil system thats having the problem. I went ahead and did the flush as suggested. I'll get back to you with an update of how they are doing.