counting flowering time


New Member
Can some one tell me when i star counting my days of flowering is it when i see the first sign of flowering or when i go 12-12??? Please help! !!!!!


Well-Known Member
You start counting flowering days when you see the first white pistil. Also, if using breeder beans allow an extra 2 weeks, they always take longer than they say they will.

big bud 56

Active Member
I start counting the day I flip it to 12/12.
Always works for me.
It depends alot on the strain and if it's sativa or indica.
Always go by how it looks and smells.
buy a hand held scope and chech the trichomes when it's getting ripe.


Well-Known Member
From what I understand, most breeders count from the first day of flower 12/12. I count from the start of the hairs forming, but the real determination will be on the trich color. Many variables come into play environment, nutes etc. I have some Trainwreck finishing right now on day 45 from hairs showing. Suppose to be 56 days and their getting close, I check the trichs daily. If you count from 12/12 don't be surprised if you have to go a week or 2 more.


Well-Known Member
You start counting flowering days when you see the first white pistil. Also, if using breeder beans allow an extra 2 weeks, they always take longer than they say they will.
I saw a bunch of white hairs day 28 in veg on a plant.

If you want to go by what breeders say then start counting when you switch it to 12/12.


Active Member
starting to count when you flip to 12/12 may not give you your literal flowering time buts its the only way to count days without having to use any judgement.


Well-Known Member
I start my count after 1 week of flipping, or until the first sign of flowers forming. plus I look at trichs 2x daily last week to two weeks of possibly harvest.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
wtf its always been from day 1 of 12/12

dont know were this pistil lark is comming from, the stretch you notice before the start of bud formation proves shes already flowering.

breeders count from day 1 of 12/12..........thats what they breed strains to do best in,,,,

big bud 56

Active Member
Yeah,day one of 12/12 flip is where you count from but don't go by how long it takes for the buds to be ripe enough for harvest.
You should always use your senses to know when the right time is,watch the triches in the last few weeks mostly cloudy with some amber mixed in.