c ray
Well-Known Member
My buddy called HC and got them to send this, in case he has any problems...
Dear Mr. X,
Thank you for your email regarding access to cannabis for medical purposes.
On March 31, 2014, the Marihuana Medical Access Regulations (MMAR) were repealed. However, as a result of a Federal Court interim injunction granted on March 21, 2014, individuals who were previously authorized to grow marijuana under the MMAR, and who meet the terms of the Court order, will be able to continue to do so until the Court orders otherwise. To fall within the terms of the Court order, the following criteria must be met:
· Individuals must have held a valid Authorization to Possess (ATP) under the MMAR on March 21, 2014; or
· Individuals must have held a valid Personal-Use Production Licence or Designated-Person Production Licence under the MMAR on, or after, September 30, 2013, where there is also an associated valid ATP as of March 21, 2014.
Health Canada is not in a position to amend or renew any authorization or licence issued under the MMAR. The licence is only extended in accordance with the terms under which it was originally issued, including the location of the production site and authorized daily amount.
As ordered by the Court, individuals with an ATP valid on March 21, 2014, may hold a maximum quantity of dried marijuana as specified by their ATP or 150 grams, whichever is less.
The Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (ACMPR) govern Canada's medical cannabis program.
Under the ACMPR, Canadians who have been authorized by their health care practitioner can access cannabis for medical purposes in three ways:
· purchase safe, quality-controlled cannabis from one of the producers licensed by Health Canada;
· produce a limited amount of cannabis for their own medical purposes; or
· designate someone to produce it for them.
The implementation of the ACMPR does not impact those covered under a Court order. Those covered by an injunction and continue to meet the terms and conditions, the status continues until the Federal Court rules otherwise.
Because Health Canada does not have the authority to make any changes (such as a change in address or designated producer) to a licence issued under the former MMAR, an individual may choose to register with Health Canada under the new regulations.
Individuals who choose to produce cannabis for their own medical purposes or designate someone to produce it for them must register with Health Canada by completing the following steps:
· providing an original medical document;
· completing each applicable section of the Registration Form ;
· providing an original version of the document issued by a Canadian police force (if the application includes a designated person) indicating that the designated person has not been convicted of certain drug offences in the past 10 years (see section 176(2) of the ACMPR for more details); and
· mailing all documents together in the same envelope to the address below:
Health Canada
Registration Process
Address Locator: 0302B
Ottawa, ON K1A 0K9
Detailed instructions on how to register under the ACMPR including the registration form and application guide are available on the following website: www.healthcanada.g.ca/mma.
As per your request, a hard copy of this correspondence will be provided to the address you provided.
If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to send them to us by email at OMC-BCM@hc-sc.gc.ca.
Office of Medical Cannabis
Health Canada
I am a holder of an HC MMAR lic that expired on Feb. 4 2014. As I understand, there is litigation that has affected the expiry date. I understand that you may provide a cover letter to this effect.
If this is true, Please send to:
Mr. X
123 Road St.
Sin City, BC
V5V 5V5