Cover them up then you bitch!


Active Member
For those of you who don't know I work as a clerk at a gas station. All the time women come in to the store with their boobs hanging out of there shirts. Being a red blooded American male I look. I "try" not to gawk so much. But I always see the women ether start to pull their jacket over their breast or adjust their shirts.

WTF Don't walk in to my store with six inches of cleavage if you don't want anyone to look at it.

I know I know I know

I am a male pig and should shut up.

But it makes me feel like a dirty old man. I am only 30!!!

Would love to hear the girls thoughts. Guys thoughts also.


Well-Known Member
As long as you don't open the register and start throwing one dollar bills at them. They shouldn't have a problem with you looking at their clevage IMO. It's in our genetics . AMERICANS LOVES TITS, its just that simple.


Well-Known Member
Same as the girls who dress like sluts and always says "men are idiots, they only want sex" hehe
Maybe if you didn't dress up like an escort we wouldn't see you as a sexual object...
P.S : showing your curves is not dressing like a slut...


Active Member
I am a boob man myself and by the ageof 22 u shouold b good at looking at boobs without being caughtby now juss sayn I'm like an expert. Lmao they prolly juss don't say nothing to me as I stare them tigobittys down. jk but seriouly


Pickle Queen
Same as the girls who dress like sluts and always says "men are idiots, they only want sex" hehe
Maybe if you didn't dress up like an escort we wouldn't see you as a sexual object...
P.S : showing your curves is not dressing like a slut...

Well said, just because i can show my goods, and look hot doing so, it does not mean i should. Women let it all hang out and bitch they are viewed like whores, easy solution, don't dress like a slut :) lol

But as i women even i look when i see junk having out, if people don't like u looking at their naked body it's their responsibility to cover themselves. Otherwise i will look :) lol


Active Member
all the girls at my office do that move and its just because as guys we tent to love boobs, who doesnt, so in an effort to keep eyes and thoughts on target they cover them up.

honestly when they do that move i tend to look down since i pay attention to hand gestures and i know they probably think im looking at boobs but i'm not.

whats funny is girls are always checking out guys asses. ive had a few girls at the office comment on the way i walk, lol, so girls are guilty as well. problem is we can't call them sluts for it, but yet they can call us pigs.


Well-Known Member
Ya got to look into their eyes first. That's what they want. Then you distract them with "something" then take the gaze and if you're caught it's okay because you've looked at their eyes/face first. It does get easier to make eye contact when you get a little older.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i don't get it. they stuff their tits in push up bras and wear low cut shirts because it makes them feel more attractive, correct? isn't looking at them the biggest indicator that they have succeeded? isn't that what the whole point was when they wore the cleavage shirt? of all the styles of modern women's fashion, she chose to wear something that enhanced the look of her bust. am i to believe she went to that trouble so i would notice her shoes?

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
For those of you who don't know I work as a clerk at a gas station. All the time women come in to the store with their boobs hanging out of there shirts. Being a red blooded American male I look. I "try" not to gawk so much. But I always see the women ether start to pull their jacket over their breast or adjust their shirts.

WTF Don't walk in to my store with six inches of cleavage if you don't want anyone to look at it.

I know I know I know

I am a male pig and should shut up.

But it makes me feel like a dirty old man. I am only 30!!!

Would love to hear the girls thoughts. Guys thoughts also.
I agree wholeheartedly. Keep the girls covered.

Growing up I had the opportunity to know a old Hollywood makeup artist. He explained it this way, I'm paraphrasing it here. I think it applies to clothing too.

'If you wear heavy or evening makeup all day, everyday with the people you know. How do you make yourself look extraordinary on days when you want to look special? Strangers will think you look great, but to the people you see everyday you don't look any different than any other day. Save the evening look for those times so they will have an effect.'

My dad and brothers all said they would rather have something left to their imaginations, instead of seeing the whole enchilada. What some of the young women forget is that men like to chase their prey, not have it shoved in their faces.

Personally, I believe in a little private peep show. A nice fitted suit with a silk blouse buttoned just so you can see how my necklace hangs not much more but when I turn around and walk away you'll notice that my skirt has a kick pleat in the back so you can see little piece of inner thigh each time I take a step. In heels of course, understated but very appealing. Just enough to keep it interesting without out and out advertising.