craigslist/ Prescott...flag ??


Active Member
Anyone notice there are no adds on for medical marijuana. I see them for Phoenix. Do you think no one is posting or were they shut down?
I too have noticed that, I think the local wannabees up here in Prescott posting meds on craigslist are all about the buck and can't stop flagging each other to where nobody gets to post shit cuz of too many hurt feelings. Boo hoo I just stick to the growers that don't have to brag it up online, they let their flowers speak for themselves. And here in 8-10 weeks I won't even have to worry about that as I will have harvested over a Hp and be set for a half a year or so.
Craigslsit is one of the worst places to seek meds or genetics. IMO

Seek and you shall find...

There is a few very great folks in flagstaff. Club off the 89 is berry nice! And Sedona has a nice co-op too ran by a gal! Haven't found a good spot in Prescott yet - still searching! Even Jerome/Cottonwood has a nice network of patients with fire herbs! Mostly outdoor!

Stay away from the hermit crabs. Their herb is always the best and no one has better if you know what I mean!
Prescott cops are all over craigslist its one of the most un420 friendly towns in fact its one of the worst in the state.
That's funny cuz one of the best growers I know lived there for many years.
He is up in CO now.
If you sell meds on CList in N. AZ you are going to jail. Snitches, Pigs, Rats, Scum galore around these parts. God forbid you grow herb, cuz EVERYBODY is going to know in 2 weeks. Drama and Gossip that what rules the MMJ scene in PTown. Genetics are usually crap across the board, bugs on your clones, powdery mildew was almost pandemic for a while. HBDC I would LOVE to find some fire around here, send me in the right direction. Most of what I have seen around that didn't come from Cali or Colo is sub-par but EVERYBODY in these parts knows the word fire, to bad very few of them know the definition.
stay out of the limelight and you might get to stay out of the pokey as well. Since Bloom opened in Sedona, LEO's are getting their gear ready from what I hear. If there are CO-OP growers doing their thing in Sedona, they'd better have their shit together cuz things are going to be interesting in the coming months. Anybody ever heard of P.A.N.T. (Partners Against Narcotics Trafficking)? They don't give 2 shits if you are within your rights or not, they are going to arrest you, destroy your grow, and let the DA figure it out. Look what happened to the Zonka man, that was P.A.N.T.
Been in touch with a few northern patients, around the Sedona/Verde Valley area and it seems Bloom is not/will not be getting to much love; direct quote from unhappy patients..
$400 a Zip for mediocre hydro. Sedona and organic are almost synonymous, you understand if you have been there.
The owners of Bloom are people who would take a donation from a patient/caregiver and them rat them out to the cops/PANT for growing.
Sedona also has one of the most inflated real estate markets in the state and banks solely on tourism, explains the costly meds, at least az reciprocates I guess..
I think that if you stay modest with your grows and don't tell everyone you should be just fine, prop 203 is state law why does pant see it fit to take things into their hands? Let them go after some real drugs man, that bothers me that they are harassing patients :(
all growers should ideally have cameras and sound broadcasting there room as well as the front door area to a remote hard drive
so that the police etc can be held accountable and there lies will be caught on tape as well as to help ensure a large law suit if any rights are violated.
all growers should ideally have cameras and sound broadcasting there room as well as the front door area to a remote hard drive
so that the police etc can be held accountable and there lies will be caught on tape as well as to help ensure a large law suit if any rights are violated.

If you spent money on lights and clones but DID NOT do are wrong. You should go out NOW and buy full coverage motion sensor NOW. HAve it up load to a remote server service. Be smart